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Almost impossible to use chat or phone

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 2

Just to let people know what they’re up against, I contacted TalkTalk on 10 th April via chat because of the recent cost increases I wanted to review what we had (we had Full Fibre 60, international calls, TalkTalk TV and the Safe Security boost - the last bill was almost £60. I’d also seen an offer for new members to get Full Fibre 150 for the price of FF60. Almost 2 hours later I was no further forward and had been told by various people (I spoke to 8 people during this time and had to explain what I needed each time) that I couldn’t have Full Fibre with a fixed landline, even though we already had that ! The 8th person I spoke to said we could upgrade to FF150 but would need a new router. He claimed he’d put the order through and we duly received confirmation - but that confirmation said Fast Broadband, not FF150. By last Friday (19th) nothing had happened so I raised a complaint, following which I got a text to say TalkTalk would contact me between 10 & 12 yesterday (23rd). I believe they may have tried to ring via landline when I was on the phone, but as I had not received a callback I decided to ring - big mistake ! 4 calls later I had once again been told that I couldn’t have Full Fibre and a landline number. Eventually having been on hold for almost 25 mins I was virtually asked what price I would like to pay ! Remarkably I was then offered FF, international calls boost + TalkTalk TV for what I considered a reasonable price and told a new router had been ordered. Then today a lady from the Complaints dept rang me unaware of the call yesterday to address my complaint ! We agreed that more training was needed for both chat and phone staff, and she ended up offering me 1 month free in view of the problems I had experienced. 


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