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City fibre once again pestering me to instal Fullfibre.

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 7

Here we go again.  Last year I had a nightmare trying stop City Fibre coming to install Full fibre.  I was pestered with emails and text messages.  I do not want Full Fibre until there is no alternative.

I have just entered an 18 month contract with TalkTalk for Fibre 35 (very competitive price too).   I am very happy with this.     when I took out the contract I asked about keeping my land lines and was told that TalkTalk had not sorted this yet.   Great.   Stay with what I know and want.

Why I need/want to keep this package is:

1. I want to keep my landline set up the way it is - i.e.  Master socket is in hall with phone wire running round house (4 extensions - one with answer phone), eventually ending up in bedroom upstairs where my router is and my pc is connected via an ethernet cable.   This gives me a stable and decent speed (34 -  37 ' suggested -  which suits my requirements.   I have a good wireless connection round the house and into the garden.  

2.  My setup is unobtrusive and is how I want it.

Why I do not want full fibre:

1.   I will have to have holes drilled into my wall and an ugly box with wires put in my hall - there is nowhere suitable I can put this. - I absolutely do not want boxes and wires in sight.  

2.   My master socket is on the windowsill in hall and my phone line is plugged into it on adapter, with no extra wire for flexibility if needed.

3.  There is a need for two electric sockets.  This may be a problem but will have to use a multi socket extension - again wires trailing around.  

4.  The router will have to be in the hall and then everything will be wireless - I like my pc to be on ethernet.

5.  My landline - which I know will eventually have to go digital - is fine for now.  I have suitable phones for the transfer but what will happen with my answerphone (currently on an extension in the lounge).  

6.  Will I have caller display and call blocking as now?


I am sorry to ramble on but basically - I have signed for a package -what would happen to that..PLEASE  CONFIRM I CAN STAY ON MY PACKAGE AND SYSTEM AS PER CONTRACT.  IF SO, PLEASE STOP CITY FIBRE FROM CONTINUALLY HASSLING ME.


Message 1 of 7

Hi GBy123


Just to confirm you can stay on your current service, City fibre are just informing you that their service is available, if you receive a SMS about an install date reply with Cancel, or call the number on the email and it can be stopped. 




Message 2 of 7

I only clarified the point because you asked if it went to email. You do not need to panic about any changes and any offers you get to change in the meantime can be declined. But you will need to switch to full fibre and lose your copper service at some stage, as you are aware. 


Message 3 of 7

I know that - I had already checked my mobile phone.   It is not a smart phone, but it works surprisingly well for text messages!   

Anyway - I would like to add here.   I have just seen on your blog page that we do not have to worry about copper lines being switched off and that the TalkTalk telephone service will continue well into 2025.   Is this correct.   If so, presumably my broadband (currently Fibre 35 package) will  be OK too.   So I do not need to panic about changing until my current contract finishes?


Message 4 of 7

An SMS is a text message, check your mobile phone. 


Message 5 of 7

No reply received anywhere...   not sure where they go, but not to my email that's for sure.  


Support Team
Private Message
Message 6 of 7

HI GBy123


Did you receive an SMS?  if so reply with Cancel.