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Delayed go live date

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Message 10 of 10


Sorry if this is on the wrong thread. 

I was meant to go live today, but there has been a delay with my order apparently. My equipment was only dispatched this morning (although no tracking just states dispatched when I look at my account) and the engineer that was “booked” for today never turned up. I took a day off work so I would be home which is rather annoying. 

I’ve tried to live chat but every time I’m told something different. They cannot discuss with me anything regarding the engineer as my equipment has been dispatched?? How does the equipment being sent mean I can’t even get an update. 

I live in a very rural area which I understand makes things harder and there may be less engineers available but having WiFi is my only form of contact as I have no signal and have to rely on WiFi calling. I now have no WiFi so I’m worried if anything were to go wrong I’m completely stuck. 

Can anyone help and give me an actual update on what’s happening and when I’ll go live? I’ll need to book another day off work and will need to give notice. 

I have an openreach box so when the box arrives can I just plug it in?


Thank you 


Message 1 of 10

As a fellow customer, all I can do is re-escalate this thread for you, @Laurencrowther.


However, today there's a glitch with the automated workflow software so it may be after the weekend before staff can reply.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

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Message 2 of 10

@Arne-TalkTalk @Gliwmaeden2 


its been a week, is there any update from the provisioning team?


Message 3 of 10

Hi @Laurencrowther


Sorry that you are having problems, I will ask provisioning team to look into this. 

Message 4 of 10

Wait for staff to respond as each new post delays it reaching them, @Laurencrowther.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

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Message 5 of 10

Just another update - @Gliwmaeden2 


spoke to someone on the live chat again, they advised that the complaints department had booked an engineer appointment for the 20th. I was passed on to complaints to confirm this and was told: 


“Thanks Lauren, I understand that this is a provisioning delay that the OR team have had to push back to the 20th due to availability of skilled engineers, were you made aware that these delays whilst annoying and very inconvenient they are accounted for and compensated once we've completed the service”


The same advisor then said:


“Thanks for your patience here Lauren, to confirm we do have your stuck order raised with our IT department as of yesterday, please allow the team their time to resolve this, I do need to concede that from the notes earlier there were some misinformation provided in that there is no engineer visit yet set for the 20th, rest assured however that once we have the order unstuck we will be able to replace the order like for like if needed and as mentioned this delay will be compensated in due course.”


I was then advised that I would have an update in 3-5 days as it has just reached the IT department. The advisor confirmed: 


“of course, you will be updated again at the latest on Tuesday 20th“


So I need to wait another week,  2 weeks after I was meant to go live.


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Message 6 of 10

Hello again! 

nothing fixed as of yet. 

The daytime number is closed by the time I finish work. Spoke to a few more advisors via the online chat and they have all mentioned something different. I have requested transcripts of all the chats and dates of the escalation and follow ups for a cisas complaint and I was told it would take 2-3 months!


I have no hope that this will be sorted any time soon. No one seems to have a clue about anything. 

I have placed an order with another provider to see if they can get me live quicker and then will cancel either one. So there is light at the end of the tunnel! 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 10

So it is FTTP if you are talking ONT boxes, @Laurencrowther.


Chase the Future Fibre team daytime on 03451 720074.


Post back if all gets sorted.


Or wait for a reply from TT staff. I escalated this on Friday and will do so again. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

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Message 8 of 10

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 I am rejoining talktalk, I have no WiFi connection until the new order goes live as I have just moved into a new place. 

The order is still stuck, I was first told 24-48 hours on Tuesday 6th. Now 6 days later I’m being told I will have an update in 7-10 days. An update - not the issue fixed. 

The equipment arrived and I was told that it was a takeover order as I already have an ONT box so all I had to do what plug it in and I would have WiFi! Surprise surprise it doesn’t work. 

Are you able to help? Not clear enough from your reply!


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 10

Just checking that you have ordered Fibre to the Premises, @Laurencrowther


If not, this thread is in the wrong place. 


Awful that the engineer didn't turn up.


You should be awarded some automatic compensation:


You've been a member of the forum for quite a few years. Are you rejoining Talktalk or is there still a FTTC connection keeping going until the new order goes live?


Not clear enough from your post!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.