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Eero Wi-Fi performance

First Timer
Private Message
Message 5 of 5

I’ve recently had FTTP installed and have the eero 6 router. I’m struggling to get Wi-Fi signal outside the room the eero is located. The Wi-Fi on my iPhone also constantly drops out and switches to 4G. 

I’ve still got my FTTC service active and can still find that network all around my house. My FTTC speed is only 20mbps and is currently performing better than my eero which should be giving me 900mbps speed! (Although iPhone speed test only comes out at 30/40mbps) 

Can I get a normal router with a better Wi-Fi signal instead of using the eero? or do i have to buy additional eero mesh devices to improve it. 

any help or advice is appreciated. 



Message 1 of 5

@GCD2504, extending the network and improving performance do not necessarily go hand in hand. The Eero works as a mesh network and in doing so will loose throughput at each hop or node. The reason being that these devices do not have a dedicated wireless channel for backhaul and thus shares the 5ghz frequency for the backhaul element. If you are adding a single node then this probably won't make that much difference but worth bearing in mind. You can use wired backhaul thus leaving the Wifi to do its stuff for devices. You could even run the Wired Backhaul over Powerline adapters if ethernet isn't available.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 5

Definitely worth asking the question. I have a Hub 2 and in my fairly typical home it outperforms the single eero by miles. You can contact the Future Fibre team using the chat button near the bottom of the page here:



Message 3 of 5


Yes, I currently have both running. I Didn’t want to cancel the FTTC service just yet because the new one isn’t performing well. 

right ok, so I should be looking to purchase the eero extenders to improve the overall coverage and performance then? 

no I haven’t reported it yet. It only went in last Thursday then I was away until Tuesday so only just really starting to use it and move over my devices etc. 



Do you think it’s worth asking for a hub2 as an alternative? I have normal power line adapters which I use for my FTTC set up so could use these with the hun 2 if needed still, instead of forking out on a number of eero extenders for a small fortune.




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 5

Do you have two separate services currently, your new FTTP and FTTC with someone else?


A single eero is, frankly, not great. They are designed to be used as part of a mesh system. 


Have you reported this to the Future Fibre team and asked if they can offer a Hub 2 as an alternative?