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FF150 upgrade

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 2

I have asked to upgrade to FF 150 today and been told I will get a eero 6 router

I specifically asked the sales team to confirm the new set up will reach my remote garage.

The garage is currently fed using talk talk extenders and my existing router. Sales confirmed yes and agreed the router will reach my garage. They never asked how far away it was


However I see that extenders may still be required for distances over 50 feet, my garage is 180 feet away from the house and 200 feet away from the place the router is most likely to be installed. Are these extenders provided free at the time of installation to ensure my set up does at least EQUAL that of my working set up on fiber 65 using existing talk talk extenders


If not supplied free the set up will cost a bomb and I don't want it ill stay with fiber 65

Any help best received


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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 2


The eero router should  be fine especially if  your garage is only 180 feet from it, it says below it'll cover 1,500 ft2 which is roughly the size of the house plan below.


How far can eero WiFi reach?
Each eero device should cover an area of 190m2 or 1,500 ft2. However, this range is highly dependent on several factors, such as: Your home's building construction (older with thick walls, or new builds with foil-insultation)


