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Phone(s) on FTTP

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Message 19 of 19

I currently have FTTC broadband and, connected to the master socket, I have extension wiring with a master DECT phone (with two additional handsets) and an older phone. I understand that with FTTP I can plug the DECT phone directly into the green socket on the replacement router. However the DECT phone would not be near the router. Could I use a traditional phone extension lead to connect the DECT phone to the router? Also, can you only have a single phone connected to the green socket (ie, no more daisy chained extension leads)?



Message 1 of 19

If there is no advice then I would take that as an indicator to not use an extension lead. What you have to remember is that anything related to your network inside your property beyond the router/telephone adapter is down to you not TalkTalk. Why would they advise on something that ultimately is not their responsibility. Nothing at all stopping you experimenting with an extension lead that’s your choice. Anything Ethernet based should not be an issue. Cheap telephone extension leads might be an issue.


Message 2 of 19

Hi Steve,


Thanks for the feedback. If you need any further assistance just let us know




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Message 3 of 19

Good morning Michelle.


I guess that I don't need anything else at present but I do think that TalkTalk should publish some advice on using phone extensions with digital voice. At the very least, some information about extending the length of a phone lead.




Message 4 of 19



Thanks for your post. I can see that some of our members have offered advice 🙂 Please let us know if you need any further assistance.





Message 5 of 19

Not an extension lead as such, but a suitable length of cable that you can connect from your phone to the router, or DVA as appropriate. Apologies for over-elaborating perhaps!


And OP is community jargon for the Opening/Original Poster i.e. you.  🙂


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Message 6 of 19

Hi all


Sorry, but what is OP?


Just to clarify, I am talking about phones on FTTP. I would plug my DECT base station into the green socket on the hub, but this base station is 4 metres away from the hub so would require a (commercially ready-made) extension lead to reach the hub.


Where is it said by TalkTalk that an extension lead is not supported? As I mentioned, I can find no reference to extension leads in TalkTalk literature.


If the green socket mimics a traditional master socket for the phone connection I have no reason to believe that an extension lead wouldn't work.




Message 7 of 19

Ah, get a single longer cable from phone to router? I guees so, fair point. I didn't imagine that as part of the current set up. Nor in response to the OP's questions.


Message 8 of 19

Yes but still got to connect the phone to the router and how do you do that if you phone isn’t next to the router as per the OP.


Message 9 of 19

Yes, but the question is about phones on FTTP?


Message 10 of 19

An extension lead with rj11 on one end and a BT socket on the other would allow the OP to plug the rj11 in to the router and the DECT phone in to the BT socket with a standard telephone extension lead. OP says his phone is not near the router, just trying to suggest he can use an extension lead but not supported by TT.



Message 11 of 19

How is the BT socket relevant when you have switched to full fibre? I am genuinely puzzled by where you are coming from.


Message 12 of 19

OP says traditional extension lead which I take to be one you buy ready made rather than wiring in to the master socket which I used to do on wired extensions pre DECT days. An extension lead would have to be rj11 to BT socket to work but as mentioned that’s up to the OP and not supported by TalkTalk.


Message 13 of 19

OP refers to "extension wiring," so yes clarity would be good. Either way I don't see how that would work with a VoIP service? Personally, I have my DECT base unit connected to my Hub 2 and the additional handsets connect wirelessly just as before. The cleanest and simplest solution imho. 


Message 14 of 19

Wired extensions yes they won’t work, but ready made extensions rj11 to BT socket purchased as an extension lead would in theory work if the phones have the BT phone plug. OP refers to an extension lead not a wired extension, may be they could clarify.


Message 15 of 19


There is no mention of old-style copper wired telephone extensions with regards to Full Fibre as they simply won't work.




Message 16 of 19

They won’t mention extension leads as technically they are not supported, it would be trial and error on your part. If the phone doesn’t work when plugged in via an extension lead TT will blame the extension for the phone not working as the quality cannot be verified by them. They will alway recommend plugging the phone directly in to the router. The Grandstream is a little more flexible as that can be connected back to the router via an Ethernet lead thus having it closer to the phone, but I use neither so cannot vouch for this. Also the connection is rj11 not the traditional white BT phone connector you would use on a master socket on both the Grandstream and the HUB2

As for the green socket mimicking a master socket, this is only in the phone connection method, beyond that voice is converted to data to transmit over fibre. A Master socket uses copper.



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Message 17 of 19

Thanks mrwrighty.


I have done quite a bit of on-line searching on this topic. TalkTalk doesn't seem to have released any information at all about extension leads. I have also found some information that indicates the green socket mimics a traditional master socket (but with power or other limitations - not sure what that means nor why that is the case!). I think TalkTalk should expand its Digital Voice FAQs to answer these questions.


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 19

In theory you could  use an existing extension lead from your DECT phone to the HUB2 or Eero Grandstream adapter phone port. With DECT cordless extensions that is not an issue anyway as you only need power. With regards older phones in theory you should be able to split the service from the router phone socket using a phone splitter adapter to connect the old phone. This would be a requirement to be able to keep alarms systems and medical equipment connected.