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VOIP via Windows PC

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 6

I'm upgrading to FF150 (YAY) and as a result that means the landline number will be replaced with VOIP.


I can obviously go and buy a VOIP phone (presumably a VOIP compatible phone is needed to directly make/receive calls), however is there any way to simply use my Windows PC as an interface for my existing local telephone number that will shortly accessed via VOIP once the upgrade goes through?

This would be great for a number of reasons:

1) the FF master socket (and hence a physical VOIP enabled phone) is located a long way from where i work
2) i can answer calls from my desk when I'm on my computer (and equally not answer them when my computer is switched off)


Message 1 of 6

There is an app which means that you can make and receive calls using your landline number on a mobile phone:



Message 2 of 6

Not sure what you mean by Piggyback but phone options are direct to Hun to or via Grandstream adapter


Message 3 of 6

Thanks for the info. I'll be getting an Eero. I believe there is a way to piggy back the wifi or ethernet however that still requires there to be an active PC connection. Given I've not used a landline or have a phone to connect to it, i'll just look at out for something cheap to connect to it (or see if i can forward the landline number over to my mobile).


Message 4 of 6

@fergusonThere are dedicated VOIP phones we use them all the time. The VOIP configuration is on the phone, but sadly none will work with TT as they never release the VOIP configuration details required to make them work. I use SoftFone on my mobile with 3rd part VOIP services and there are PC and MAC clients for 3rd party VOIP, but none for TT.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 6

Do you have a phone presently? There isn't really such a thing as a "VoIP phone." You will either get an eero with a separate adapter known as a DVA, or a Hub 2 with a voice port built in. Either way, just hook up your phone and that should be it. You can use multiple handsets as usual i.e. base unit connected to DVA/Hub and additional handsets will connect as usual. I don't believe there is a way for a PC to connect directly to this kind of set up.