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Home Phone

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Caller display ceased working

Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 18 of 18

Hi there,

Caller display stopped working about ten days ago. Have done all the usual unplugging and testing etc etc to no avail. Went to my dashboard and de-selected caller display for three days, then selected it again and saved . received mail saying service would start after midnight that night. Some days on this is still not the case. This also happened a couple of years ago and the only fix was when you arranged for the exchange to do a card swap (I believe that was the term!) and all was well after that so would kindly request you do the same again. Many thanks in anticipation.


Just getting on with it.

Message 1 of 18



I'm really sorry about this. I was assured a few times by a faults manager that this would be picked up. I've raised a complaint and have asked for this to be picked up by our tech complaints team ASAP and for this to be managed for you through to resolution.




Message 2 of 18

Sorry to see this issue is ongoing. Bear in mind that CISAS will expect you to have exhausted the TalkTalk complaints procedure before they can look into this, so it might be best to log a formal complaint if you have not already done so. See the Complaints link at the bottom of the page. 


Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 3 of 18

Hi Michelle,

  Well here we go again. It is now the 18/07/2023 and I have had no further update from you and needless to say the caller ID is still not working! To make matters even worse when the open reach engineer visited me (at the behest of your technical team) he advised that all was well here and with open reach equipment. He informed me that the signal can only stop being sent to my line through talk talk equipment. If I am subscribed it should work unless somehow your database or other equipment is corrupt. Because of this he said the charge for the engineer visit would go to you as it is YOUR problem. I was therefore delighted (NOT) to see you have included that charge to me on my most recent bill which is totally unjust. It is now more than two months since I first reported this and during that time I lost the ability to make calls for a week, I've spent money on another device to double check that it's not my phone at fault and now I'm being charged for an engineers visit that achieved nothing. I'm out of pocket and after all this time the original fault remains. If I run a line test it says the fault is being looked into but I find that impossible to believe. Kindly make my feelings known to those above you that this is not satisfactory service to a long-time faithful customer, if necessary by passing to someone above your pay grade. Failure to sort these problems (both engineers charge and caller ID not working) will leave me with no other choice than to fill in forms with CISAS to get their opinion. I look forward to your early reply, thanks.

Just getting on with it.

Message 4 of 18



I'm really sorry about this. I've asked the escalation team who are investigating this if they can provide an update on this ASAP.





Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 5 of 18

So here we are ten days later! Nothing has changed, a line test still shows as being a fault on the line which is being dealt with. The open reach engineer found nothing when he visited. You have supposedly uprated the problem again and yet   ZILCH! Is there any realistic likelihood of you being able to solve this? According to the contract you supply free of use the caller ID function as long as the phone is caller ID enabled. Yet I cannot use this function any longer even though it has been working for years. I note there is never a delay in telling me my phone and broadband bill is due for payment. Does anybody there have the knowledge to sort this? I look forward to a reply at some time with useful information.

Just getting on with it.

Message 6 of 18



I'm really sorry to hear this. I've re-escalated this to the team now and have asked them to confirm what the next steps will be.





Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 7 of 18


One of your team decided to book an engineer technician from Open Reach to visit my home which took place today. He ran a full set of tests from my phone. My Broadband speed is excellent and every test shows my phone line is working as it should be, no faults whatsoever. The fact that I live a hundred yards from the exchange no doubt helps. The end result is that he says my set-up is excellent and there is nothing else that open - reach can do as this is a Talk Talk problem. I am posting here because I am fed up with sitting answering security questions all the time on the phone (yes I understand the reasons for this) and then detailing the problem only to be told you're looking into it. There have been more than enough line tests run by now.

Therefore I ask you one more time to check everything in your systems to get this sorted once and for all.

I have no option but to look for another supplier and I'm also considering approaching Ofcom too see what they make of this. Whilst the lack of caller display may not be essential to some it is to us. Our disabled son who doesn't live with us contacts us on the landline but will not leave messages. If we have been out we can see if he's called and how often so that we can phone him back. Without caller ID the missed calls option does not record these calls. Dialling 1471 only gives the last number that called so this is useless for our needs.


So please, no more pointless calls that achieve nothing. If you are unable to fix in the very near future then just notify me on here and I will take whatever steps I deem necessary.



Just getting on with it.

Message 8 of 18



Has there been any change to the Caller Display service since my last post?





Message 9 of 18



Our team have advised that they are still investigating this at the moment and I'll check back in with you next week to see if there has been any change.




Message 10 of 18



I'm really sorry to hear this. I've chased the team for an update on this and will post back as soon as they come back to me. It's possible they may also try and contact you directly.




Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 11 of 18

Hi again,

After losing landline for almost a week it was at last re-instated last Friday. However the original fault is still exactly the same :- No Caller ID. I've run a connection test online which shows a fault that supposedly is being dealt with. Regrettably I'm not sure this is actually the case as this whole problem has been going on for weeks. On a couple of occasions I've rung direct 0345 172 0088 to state my problem is ongoing and to find out what you intend to do but each time I end up being disconnected, frustrating to say the least.  The engineers were supposed to do a lift and shift to solve the problem but other than losing use of the phone for a week this has achieved absolutely nothing. Your help to resolve this would be much appreciated before my opinion of Talk Talk degenerates even further. 

Thank you. 

Just getting on with it.

Message 12 of 18



Thank you for the update and please let us know how you get on.


Thanks 🙂



Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 13 of 18

Hi Michelle,

Engineer from talk talk contacted me last week and ran some tests. Arranged some work over the weekend but this didn't achieve anything either. He has now asked open reach to do some work in the next few days and will contact me again on 25th. of this month to see if any improvement. Failing that will decide on the next move. Will post on here if and when the fault is remedied.


Thanks for checking back. 


Just getting on with it.

Message 14 of 18



Just checking back in to see how you're getting on?





Message 15 of 18



Ok thank you for confirming. I've asked our fault team if they can take a look at this and will post back as soon as I receive an update. It's possible that the team may also try to contact you directly.





Message 16 of 18

Hi Michelle,

I can confirm another phone has been tested on line with no difference. Still no caller I D showing or talking caller announcement.

Your help would be appreciated, thanks

Just getting on with it.

Support Team
Private Message
Message 17 of 18



I'm sorry to hear this. Can I just confirm, have you also tested with a different handset at the test socket just to rule this out?

