Get help with your TalkTalk landline and calling features.
on 08-02-2025 03:39 PM
I'm doing this for my elderly next door neighbour.
She is with TalkTalk but only has a traditional landline phone. It is dead.
She has been with Talk Talk for several years now and never had broadband.
I have gone online for her and logged an account. Her package is Talk UK Anytime with Fibre.
I have run a line test and no problem was found. If I try to troubleshoot it requires a broadband router which she does not have.
I have plugged a basic phone into the master socket and still dead.
When you call the number from another phone it goes straight to TalkTalk voicemail.
I have been trying to find a way to chat/call TalkTalk with no success.
We need to get this sorted as she has just returned home from a hospital stay and needs her landline.
Can anyone help me please?
on 10-02-2025 02:43 PM
No problem 🙂
Chris, Community Team
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on 10-02-2025 02:39 PM
Thank you
on 10-02-2025 02:38 PM
Thanks Andy, I've passed this over to our network team and asked them to take a look at this as a priority. I'll let you know when I receive an update
Chris, Community Team
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on 10-02-2025 12:48 PM
hi Chris, details as requested have been added to my private information.
on 10-02-2025 09:59 AM
OK, could you please add your neighbours name and talktalk landline telephone number to the private notes section of your community profile we'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.
Chris, Community Team
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on 10-02-2025 08:22 AM
Hi Chris
if there is any assistance you can give me as I haven’t managed to get to sit down with her and as her landline isn’t working and mobile signal is very poor it’s going to be difficult.
on 10-02-2025 07:11 AM
Hi Justaskin2,
How are you getting on, do you still need assistance with this?
Chris, Community Team
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08-02-2025 04:09 PM - edited 08-02-2025 04:22 PM
Thank you so much, links look helpful. Is there an online way to register her as vulnerable do you know?
Scrub that I've found it in Profile Accessibility section.
on 08-02-2025 04:04 PM
Staff here work normal office hours monday to friday.
To phone, try phoning 0345 172 0088
Opening Hours can be found here -
If you wish to chat online, there is a link on this page together with details of opening hours
Due to GDPR requirements you may be best phoning so your neighbour can give their permission for you to speak on her behalf.
Do you know if she has ever registered as vulnerable? It may be something to consider going forward if not.
Hope this helps.