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I have been having problems with my tv4K Box for a few weeks now. the box will be 3 years old in June and until a few weeks ago everything was fine. Box will record but it will reboot itself during the recording, or it will only record some of the program or it will record a program in 10 minute segments or 14 minute segments ,and on viewing recordings the picture breaks up or stalls all together and freezes the box , I did an update and i did a factory reset but nothing has helped and now everytime i try to record something the box turns off and on again while in record mode. I think maybe i need a new replacement box but wondered if others are having the same problem , it is a shame as untill a few weeks ago i had no problems whatsoever and was pleased talk tv , as i am disabled i have grown to depend on being able to use record but now i am considering if there maybe a better alternative to talk tv/box , i know there is different tal talk tv boxes but ive noticed not all record so would prefer the same but a new box . any help would be appreciated , kind regards Chic77
4 hours ago
Yes mate I've had same problems but all I get told is update to newer boxes that don't record but use Iplayer etc.I get you one of the reasons I went to talktalk was the recording facilities. All the best bro.
7 hours ago
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