For help with your TalkTalk TV box, channels and apps.
on 20-01-2025 05:09 PM
Hi, we are having ongoing problems with our netgem tv box losing future schedule recordings.
Its been happening a while now where you set a recording for the next day, say Emmerdale or some regular weekly showing however the next day the recording logo has disappeared and the programme has not been recorded and you have to sit through all the adverts while watching it.
Another problem we had was the box once turned on would just switch onto bbci player and we couldn't access any other channels, eventually after 4 or 5 full resets it corrected itself.
Anyone else had these problems?
we have just about had enough of this box now, if its not resolved soon we will be looking elsewhere as we are out of contract.
on 08-02-2025 06:36 PM
@IanMalpass1 I have offered advice on your own thread.
Please stick to this thread as posting on other people's threads without offering advice is seen as spam under forum guidelines. Thank you.
on 08-02-2025 06:12 PM
You are NOT alone! I have just checked today & found that My schedule recordings were NOT marked up. Also I am limited to what I can watch while something is being recorded. What is the point of being able to record but NOT being able to watch another program while its recording
on 21-01-2025 07:51 AM
Hi @glsphoto
Would you like to swap out the box ?
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on 20-01-2025 05:21 PM
I have been offering suggestions regarding issues with the Netgem box, but reported issues seem to be increasing, so don't want to waste your time with potential solutions that may not work.
I know these issues have been reported to Netgem and TalkTalk are awaiting a firmware update to apply to the boxes.
However your recording issues are new, but I suspect linked as channels have been reported as disappearing. If this has happened, the the box cannot record a channel that is not present in the guide.
@Karl-TalkTalk will hopefully be able to advise further, but it's another symptom that probably needs recording (sorry really bad pun I did not intend), with Netgem