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future of eero vs wifi hub routers

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3



It seems to me that Talktalk are promoting the eero router quite a lot recently, and there are not many broadband packages available using the wifi hub. Personally, I wouldn't want to use an eero - mostly because I don't like the idea of any router which requires an app to operate it. I know there are other customers who are not fans of the eero router either.


Looking at the full-fibre packages, it seems that you can get full-fibre 65 with the hub, but all the others come with the eero.


I'm wondering what Talktalk's plans are for the future regarding eero vs. hub routers. I hope that the wifi hub will remain as an option well into the future (including with full-fibre), but I have a concern that they might try to switch everyone to eeros at some point.


Not sure if anyone has any info about that?


Hopefully Talktalk understands that not all customers want the eero and it's good to have the option with the more basic router.


(for context I'm currently on FTTC35 with the hub which is fine for me, but I'm considering options for the future).



Message 1 of 3

Ok, thank you for the reply.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 2 of 3



I can't say what the future plans are for eero, and if it will remain the option with all higher tier packages.  I do agree with you that customers should have a choice, and I think this is an option that is being considered.


Customers can of course source their own router.  I use an Asus router with my own full fibre as it will allow me to control more options.




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