Get tailored support with your TalkTalk account and bills.
08-02-2023 02:45 PM - edited 08-02-2023 02:46 PM
I notice that though I have left Talktalk zero bills are still being generated, and notification will probably arrive in my in box each month.
I wish this to stop. If it doesn't I will take Talktalk to CISAS yet again, to seek compensation which I was awarded last time.
You are on notice that you have eight weeks to sort this out (the length of time required by Cisas before a complaint can be opened with them)
Community Stars Need not reply to this post, only Talktalk staff.
Thank you.
on 10-02-2023 09:42 AM
Thanks Arne, I do hope you are correct, though on going into billing it does show that a further bill is due to be issued in March in upcoming.
on 09-02-2023 08:45 AM
Hi @joemardo1
The bill you have just received is your final bill, last months bill had to be produced to show the credit raised to clear balance brought forward.
As there was no further actions this last bill is final.