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Recently set up online account disappeared.

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Message 25 of 25

I've recently rejoined Talk Talk and it took forever it seemed to set up my online account. This was eventually solved and i got an online account but now today it's saying my email address isn't registered and i can't log in with my current outlook email or password. Frustrating.. I'm still thinking this is to do with an old Talk Talk account closed in 2018 and conflicting with old registered emails..i've brought this up numerous times. Can anybody help?

Mark Morgan

Message 1 of 25

Meant to respond sooner Arne. Thanks for all of your help. I'm sure this info' would be useful to other customers.

Mark Morgan

Message 2 of 25

Hi Morganzola1


Glad its sorted,  I'm going to flag this to the My Account team as its something ive not seen before its possible its causing problems for other customers. 



Message 3 of 25

It is strange..i'm no tech' head but for some reason i think old emails hanging around on systems/ devices at both ends..seem to have an an effect on  creating/maintaining current/new account.

Mark Morgan

Message 4 of 25

That's just weird, @Morganzola1. The new email address should suffice  (though Talktalk does hang on to details long after you leave and after you would have access to them yourself).


Businesses have to hang onto accounts for years (similar to self-employed individuals) for HMRC etc.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 5 of 25

My Email address wasn't the same as previously. I set up my new plan with a different addess (the outlook one) but it seemed a couple of my old Tiscali/Talk Talk address were floating around in the autofill and just in the system generally..with a bit of messing about i got the account active again. I was informed it wouldn't matter..on here and over the phone..Fingers crossed it will stay active now. My home address/billing address has naturally stayed the same since i was previously with Talk Talk. Thanks for all your help up until now.

Mark Morgan

Message 6 of 25

Usually the advice for a returning customer is not to use the same address for billing as before,  @Morganzola1. So it's odd that they seemed to think it wouldn't matter!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 7 of 25

Hi Arne. I've sorted it. Previously i mentioned an old email address registered with a previous talk talk/tiscali account  that finished in 2018. I was told by people at talk talk this wouldn't conflict. I've made sure that any memory or trace of passwords for that old account have been deleted. Seems to have done the trick..even though old previous account details still show up on My account when logging in. This message should maybe be passed on to other customers in a similar situation. Hopefully the account won't go down again..Fingers crossed!

Mark Morgan

Message 8 of 25

Same thing I'm afraid..same register form..not working..just comes up with 'technical error..try again'..I can't understand it as it has worked previously and my outlook address is most definitely the one i set up the plan with..

Mark Morgan

Message 9 of 25

Message 10 of 25

I'd rather use this it's what i registered my plan with. It's been proven to work so cant understand why talk talk can't reset it. Should i try sorting on chat again? I think I've done it about 3 times now but it is time consuming unfortunately. Anything else you spot or can advise please let me know. Thanks Arne.

Mark Morgan

Message 11 of 25

Message 12 of 25

Hi Arne. Thanks again for response.  I've tried re registering before and it just comes up with a technical error message. It's still doing this..i don't know why the system keeps deleting my online account. I've spent a lot of time on chat/phone calls over the last couple of months trying to sort. It's proven my email address works. But after a few weeks it goes down again. I did receive an email re refreshing my talk talk email account recently. I don't have a talk talk email address and don't wish for one. The registered address when setting up plan is the outlook one. Would this be the problem/conflict?

Mark Morgan

Message 13 of 25

Hi @Morganzola1


There was a mismatch between your account and the My Account server, which I have fixed now. 


Can you try to register again.


Message 14 of 25

Thanks Arne. Sent you a private message yesterday and filled in form on link..response was be in touch..i've heard nothing yet unfortunately.

Mark Morgan

Message 15 of 25

Hi @Morganzola1 


The link sent last month will have expired, I will need to send it again.


Your account is showing as registered but i have seen this in the past where there is a mismatch in the backend system 



Message 16 of 25

Best to wait for Arne to get back on the case during the day, @Morganzola1.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 17 of 25

Thanks again for response. I didn't click on the link initially as by the time Arne had sent it the issue had been dealt with..alas it is still recurring and i don't know why. Nobody seems to be able to fix the glitch or whatever it is. Initially i was supposed to have a Welcome pack come through the post re.  setting up My Account as well..this never came even though i've requested it a few times since. Any ideas on how to get me back up and running with online 'My Account' greatly appreciated.

Mark Morgan

Message 18 of 25

Any links sent by PM need to be responded to within a few hours, @Morganzola1, so won't be viable several weeks later. 


You'd need to have a new one sent.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 19 of 25

Thanks for response Arne. I've tried all of the obvious stuff. It states my email isn't recognized either..even though it's the one i set up my plan i can't change password. Every time i get the online account reactivated it goes down again. Getting tiresome now. The link you sent on initial reply to this problem doesn't work either unfortunately..

Mark Morgan

Message 20 of 25

Hi @Morganzola1 


Sorry that you are having problems.


Have you followed the forgotten password link to reset your password? 

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