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Shell Migration - Monthly Charge is now Wrong

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 11

On first registering with Talk Talk the monthly billing charge was correct for Fibre 65 & Anytime Cals. For no particular reason the monthly cost shown on the account has now increased to £45.54. This is incorrect and a breach of contract. Pease fix this. I have a pending customer feedback form to complete following a receny complaint. I will wait completing this until I see how well you do fixing this billing issue.


It's really poor you can't migrate my account and insert the correct billing charge.




Message 1 of 11

Any bills that you receive from Talktalk show the relevant account number, but you need to register for My Account to read them (& choose not to receive paper billing, as that is more expensive), @#John.


If you scroll down on Talktalk's webpages, you'll easily find a link to the My Account area:




If this has anything to do with the Shell migration, please follow the guidance given in earlier replies.


Otherwise, if you still need help, please return to the message board and click on start a topic to begin your own thread on the issue.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 11

I am unable to find my account



Message 3 of 11

The bill would have been made up a couple of days previously, so cannot show changes.


NEXT month's bill will show a refund of the difference, so will be a lot less, @SC489.


Still worth checking their maths when that comes in!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 11

The problem was that the monthly charge set in my TalkTalk  account was £58.19 per month inlcuding Anytime calls and not
£38.64 as contracted with Shell. TalkTalk blame Shell of course for not transferring across the correct charge. The problem has been resolved by taking out a new contract with TalkTalk for £32 per month from 15 August inlcuding broadband and the free calls package. I have already been billed for 1 month from 15 August at the higher rate of £58.19 instead of £32 resulting in an overcharge of £26.19. Is a manual account adjustment now needed to refund this overcharge or will the billing system sort out the overcharge automatically?


Message 5 of 11

I just wanted to make you aware that the complaints process is likely to take a bit longer. 


Message 6 of 11

I've already encountered the migration team which appears to be a foreign call centre. They struggle to understand more complex issues so it's best to send emails with documentary proof of what is contracted. 


Message 7 of 11

You have already been advised who to contact to resolve any bill migration issues. If you choose to complain then you will have to wait for that process to complete.


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 11

I've now received my first bill which is opaque to say the least. The bill is for 46 days. I worked out pro-rata I have been charged £49.85 for a month for  Fibre 65 & Anytime calls instead of £38.64 as clearly contracted with Shell. This is an elementary error and a breach of contract. You now have another complaint from me also copied to CEO TalkTalk. TalkTalk is going to lose many Shell customers for many so many errors on this botched transfer.


If Talk Talk fails to correct this billing error I will be free to transfer to another provider without penalty since the firm is in breach of contract.


Message 9 of 11

I'm fed up of wasting my time calling the migration team with elementary problems. I will now send  another email complaint this time copied to TalkTalk CEO. Doing this via email lets me copy the Shell broadband T&Cs showig what is contracted. 


Support Team
Private Message
Message 10 of 11

Hi SC489


You need to call us and speak to the Shell migration team again  your price is set at £45.54 + Anytime calls at £12.65. 


Only that team can fix this.

Anonymous User