Get tailored support with your TalkTalk account and bills.
on 19-05-2023 10:02 AM
Hi I hope someone can help me . My telephone line with Talktalk has been cancelled as requested from 21.4.23 . I gave 30 days notice and sent back the modem in the bag they sent me . I cancelled my direct debit with my bank . The problem is that I keep getting a reminder to pay for a bill covering 23 April to 23 May . As I was cut off before this date(21st April )I was told by TalkTalk that I had nothing outstanding to pay so how can I get TalkTalk to stop sending me bills?
Would really appreciate some advice.
on 19-05-2023 02:26 PM
on 19-05-2023 11:35 AM
Hi thanks for your reply . Arne has kindly sorted it out . Best wishes.
on 19-05-2023 11:33 AM
Hi Arne
thanks so much for your help . It has reassured me and hopefully I won’t receive any more reminders to pay up .
on 19-05-2023 10:42 AM
Hi @Blackcat81
The bill would have been prepared earlier probably around the 21st and produced on the 23rd, even though there is a cease going through the billing system will not have known.
I can see that a credit has been raised to clear the balance, you should not receive any further correspondence except the final zero balance bill next month.
on 19-05-2023 10:12 AM
When did you actually give them the notice, @Blackcat81?
If the cut off happened before that had expired, a new bill would be generated, and it will always be for a full month ahead.
Then you would get a refund on the subsequent one - to account for the days since the expiry of the notice period.
Or it's a mistake and needs clearing up! The agents don't seem to always be very precise in the advice about exactly which bill is the "final" one, and when it might be safe to cancel the Direct Debit.
Your thread is in the queue for attention. Staff reply Monday to Friday.