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contract renewal unexpected charge

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

Is this allowed?

Contract was due to finish on 8-12. Email received on 3-11 giving contract renewal options. Opted to renew, although not the best deal available at the time, with same services. Contract terms and condition letter received was dated 6-12. First line of contract promised a new router. I have just received my latest bill and the existing contract was TERMINATED without notification and replaced with a new one on 22-11. This resulted in an increased charge up to my next billing date for the "new service" during this period.. If they do this to everyone it's a nice little "earner" for them. I still haven't received the router either! The one I have needs regular reboots to maintain speed.



Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 3

Hi @mt-44 


I can help with this I first need to confirm some security questions

I have sent you a PM on the community




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

Renewals take effect on the day you agree them, so if it's likely to be more expensive than the ongoing plan, it's best to leave it as late as possible.


Vice versa, if there's a brilliant offer that is significantly less than what you have been paying, you should grab it as long as you are within the last 3 months of your contract, @mt-44.


Utility tariffs work this way too - if you change your tariff it applies immediately.


It's only things like insurance and subscriptions that see out the time paid and apply the new payment to continue from the end of the contract, not the day you make the agreement.


Though the router is always mentioned in the deal, it's not usually sent out unless you have reported having problems with the current one. 


Staff can look into this for you. What is your current router?

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.