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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Broadband down - urgent: daughter doing A level study for exams next week!

Whizz Kid
Private Message
Message 56 of 56

Hello - my broadband is fully down and my normal TalkTalk login isn''t working.

My daughter is doing her A level study so this is urgent!

Can someone please check my line for me?

There was an Openreach guy working on the connection box yesterday and he must have bumped a wire loose or something!

I think what will be needed is for another Openreach guy to come out and fix whatever the other guy broke...

Info should be correct on my profile.

Many thanks


Message 1 of 56

@martswain wrote:

Only one company to blame here and who knows how long it will take Sky to be able to connect the customer to full fibre as they don't install the infrastructure.

I guess the other question then would be Why did Sky even take an order for a service they couldn't currently provide. Instead of doing so, it would surely have been a better idea to keep an internal record that they had a customer interested in taking a service, and to follow that up as and when the service was available?


I'll cross Sky off the list of ISPs to consider using.


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 56

@AllyM I agree, Sky should never have mentioned any date until arrangements were in place for them to take the number.


It is entirely Sky's fault for doing so especially as they knew that the full fibre that @Frustrated24 has ordered was not available for installation as the infrastructure was not even in place at the kerbside or pole.


@Frustrated24 keeps saying "I am not yet a customer of Sky" however they have an active order which Sky have progressed to the extent of contacting TT to take over their number.


Only one company to blame here and who knows how long it will take Sky to be able to connect the customer to full fibre as they don't install the infrastructure.


Message 3 of 56

@Frustrated24 ,

I don't see why Sky would feel the need to give TalkTalk an "estimated" date, which seems to have just caused confusion. Why would TalkTalk need to know that? Surely they should have kept that information internal until they knew the "firm" date before contacting TalkTalk with the official request to take over the line/number on that date.



Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 56

@Frustrated24 best of luck with whoever next provides your service.




Message 5 of 56

OK - this will be my past post on this topic.

You said "Sky have contacted TT with a request for the number with their estimated date for completion" - which I fully agree with.  

But here is the problem: that was an estimated date and TalkTalk just cut me off, treating like it was a firm date!

The fault is 100% that of TalkTalk - I have no doubt.  Sky have never sent a final date, only an estimated one.

I think I may post what happened along with many of these forum posts on social media to give TalkTalk the publicity it deserves!

Goodbye Forever TalkTalk!

And thanks to those on the forum who actually listened to my issues rather than instantly pushing back arrogantly as several of you have done.




Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 56

Have you asked Sky to port your landline number and have they confirmed to you that they will be doing so ?


As far as I can see, the fact that you have placed on order with Sky has meant the Sky have contacted TT with a request for the number with their estimated date for completion and that has started the ball rolling with those details.


You should ask Sky to take over the current service via the phone line and then migrate over to FTTP when someone puts the cable in place.


In all other cases I have seen on the forum, once a cease has been completed by TT the only way to get back online with them is to reorder.


TT are not mind readers, they would only have placed a cease on your line if either Sky contacted them to take over your landline number or you yourself gave notice.


The ball is firmly in Sky's court now you are no longer a TT customer.






Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 56

Other than start a new service, what do you think TalkTalk can do?

Message 8 of 56

All of this back and forth is pointless. 

Sky cannot physically do anything as the contract has not started yet and there is no line installed.

TalkTalk can do something (see previous note on the retention team) but will not.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 56

You seem to have been caught in a horrible place and I can only sympathise. I cannot think what TalkTalk might possibly do to restore your service. Is there a provider other than Sky who can give you a service earlier? 


Message 10 of 56

I already know Sky's response is " of course we would not have told TalkTalk we are starting your service - there is no infrastructure in place! Ask them why they screwed up and cut you off before we had the line installed!"


Message 11 of 56

Their answer we be "you should talk to TalkTalk and ask them why they cut you off without us telling them that your new service has started"


Message 12 of 56

Sky have no record of a cease order being sent to TalkTalk.

In particular there is no record of anything being sent to TalkTalk on 08/06/2022 as a previous poster suggested.

Right now Sky are saying TalkTalk have screwed up and TalkTalk are saying Sky screwed up and I am caught in the middle.

Sky can do nothing as my contract has not started with them - it starts once the infrastructural build is complete and there is an actual line installed.

However TalkTalk can do something.  The proof of that is that when I was about to be cut off the first time, I called the retention team and a guy did "something" that said that I wanted to remain with TalkTalk.  The result: broadband not cut off.

This proves that TalkTalk can do something.

However all that is happening is finger pointing at Sky who can do nothing (see above).

As a result we have no broadband, no landline and I have had to pay up for an expensive mobile package so that my daughter can continue with her studies for her A level exams.  


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 56

I agree with @ferguson , once you ordered from SKY to take over your service they set the ball in motion, not TT.


I presume as part of that order you asked them to port your landline number to them, either on a VoIP service or FTTP broadband but retaining the copper landline.


TT would not unilaterally have cancelled any of your services unless you had contacted them yourself and given notice.


They have acted on what SKY have told them.


"Sky cannot cause a stop on a service from another firm"


Oh yes they (or any other ISP with an order) can, as you have found.


"TalkTalk is the source of the stop order as it took a projected switch date to be a firm switch date"

Oh no they are not, Sky would have told advised them of the date and TT acted on that, how else would TT even know ?




Message 14 of 56

You should ask Sky, once again, why they sent a cease order to TalkTalk. 

Message 15 of 56

Again - Sky cannot do anything as the infrastructural build is not complete.  Optical fibre does not make it to my house. Someone has to come out and install it, which is why there was only ever a projected date for the switch.  The switch cannot occur as there is nothing to switch to.  TalkTalk should never have been shut off


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 56

If you have a CURRENT ORDER with SKY then that is who you should be chasing to get connected.


Depending on where the end date with TT is in your billing cycle you may get two further bills, one for a month in advance and the next one showing the disconnection date and a refund for the days thereafter.


Any overpayment will be able to be claimed via your online account which remains available for precisely that reason, if a Direct Debit remains in place the refund can be paid by bank transfer, otherwise you will need to request a cheque.


Either way, you need to be proactive and claim the refund, it is not paid automatically.


Good luck !


Message 17 of 56

Sorry again you are incorrect - Sky confirm that I have no line with them. TalkTalk has cancelled my service incorrectly.

Sky have not yet taken over service.

In fact service stopped as of 1st June, not 8th June.  Your records may have it stopped in 8th June but we had no service as of 1st June.

We are currently with nobody.

I had better not get a bill from TalkTalk saying I owe money for my "service" for the month of June...

This is 100% down to TalkTalk


Message 18 of 56

Once the line is transferred its down to the gaining provider, you are no longer a customer of TalkTalk, we did not cut you off the line was transferred 08/06/2022 17:39:40.  It sounds like the service has gone dead on arrival, this has to be dealt with by the gaining provider.


Message 19 of 56

Sorry - you are incorrect. I have no service from Sky and I am not paying them for a broadband service. 

As I am not under contract with them they cannot raise any tickets in their systems!

I am not a client of Sky until the line is switched on - and it far from that.

So there is zero that Sky can do.

The problem is that TalkTalk cut me off too early!

Sky cannot cause a stop on a service from another firm.

TalkTalk is the source of the stop order as it took a projected switch date to be a firm switch date.

That is the source of my having no broadband and no landline.

My house alarm no longer works now either, so I am at risk.

This is 100% down to TalkTalk.

TalkTalk is actually known to have done this multiple times in the past to other clients!

And what they usually do is what you guys are doing - avoiding reconnection as there is a cost to it.


Message 20 of 56

Hi Frustrated24


I have checked the order and date transfer was received from Sky 02/05/2022 16:25:51, - date completed 08/06/2022 17:39:40. 


So the line as far as we can see is now with Sky, if there is still no service then you will need to log a fault with them. 

