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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Connected - No Internet

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Private Message
Message 82 of 82

I wonder if anyone has had a similar issue to mine. I returned from holiday on the 19th September to find that my router (Huawei HG633) would not connect to the internet.

All devices showed Connected/No Internet.


I contacted TalkTalk and after struggling with a bot and a foreign call centre agent I managed to get them to send a new router. A new router, WiFi Hub was received on the Monday 25th September.  After setting up the router the dreaded amber light appeared and would not go away. Same issue "connected/no internet". Back on to TalkTalk via chat explained the situation and they decided that there was a problem with my home network and booked a QUEBGB Engineer to attend on the 30th September. The Engineer attended confirmed that there was no issue with the home set up and tried another router. Same issue " Connected/No Internet". He then said there may be a fault on the external line and this would need to be checked by open reach. Strangely when I checked the Fault tracker it stated incorrectly that the fault had been fixed.


Back on to talktalk who then arranged an open reach engineer to call on the 5th October. Open reach engineer stated no fault with external line and the problem was at the talktalk end. Faulttracker closed the job again and like a game of snakes and ladders it was back to the start. Frustration, Exasperation was now starting to creep in. I again after a lengthy process managed to contact TalkTalk who then arranged for an expert TalkTalk Engineer to visit, yesterday,  on the 12th October. Lo and behold the engineer could find nothing wrong with the home set up and said the problem seemed to be at the talktalk end. He the escalated it again for a visit by an open reach engineer.


Now this visit will most likely be a waste of time as the external line is fine. I believe that the issue lies with the replacement TalkTalk router the WiFi Hub. This router is designed for full fibre services and my package is the Fibre 35 which is a slower package that relies on the Open Reach network . The router I should have is the WiFi Hub Black which is more compatable with my package. My head is sore with banging it against TalkTalks walls and if there is any moderator looking in can you please arrange a WiFi Hub Black to be sent to replace the WiFi Hub as I have had no internet connection since the 19th September 2023 and I am having to get by using my next door neighbours WiFi untill this sorry mess is resolved. 


I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience.




Message 61 of 82

I'm sorry, I know it must be frustrating. All staff are full trained but resolving some issues can complex. The problem often is that we can't raise a fault to Openreach if there's an open order, in this case the Future Fibre order. 


I've checked your Future Fibre order and everything looks fine. The router is on order so I would expect it to be dispatched today


Message 62 of 82

My critisicm isn't directed at you personally but the greed of the directors who use incompetent cheap labour philipino's who can't even understand the language of the customer and are ill equipped to deal with customer complaints. All  in the name of shareholder dividends. It doesn't take a genius to look through the blog and  see  what the common denomitator is. It is little wonder why customers leave in their droves when they have a problem.

Your company has failed miserably. I only hope that the full fibre installation is a success but given that I have not received any equipment thus far and the installation is only a few days away I don't have much confidence and I guess a call to Sky or BT won't be to far away.

TT is cheap and okay when working but when a problem occurs the customer is goosed.       




Message 63 of 82

I'm sorry about the delay. I think it's unlikely that they are going to be able to do anything before the Full Fibre go live date, apologies for any inconvenience




Message 64 of 82

Well I'm now on day 40 of no internet access. No phone call received from the network team, l didn't think there would be given my experience so far. They are dissing this issue because they are incompetent, liars and don't have a clue what do.....amateur hour. I'll see what Thursday brings when full fibre goes in.  All TalkTalk and No Action.


Message 65 of 82

No problem, I'll let you know when I have any more information or they may contact you directly



Message 66 of 82

Many thanks Chris. Much appreciated




Message 67 of 82

I'll ask our network team if there's anything that we can do to restore your old service before you go live with your new full fibre service on the 2 Nov. I'll let you know when I have any more information.



Message 68 of 82

Hi Chris,

I don't wish to be disrespectful but I have a bag full of apologies. It is action I need. I haven't had any further communication from TalkTalk since Cindy from the complaints team called me on Saturday. 

I feel that TalkTalk are happy to sit this one out until Full Broadband is installed on 2nd November and then pay compensation for loss of service. This will likely be another woeful experience.

As a customer I feel that's not the way that this matter should be resoved as it doesn't really resolve the issue,  but I am getting nowhere and I can't see a solution to this in the near future.

If I hadn't signed up for full broadband I shudder to think how long this issue would take to resolve.

Another thing that bugs me is that after each time I speak to someone and then check (lack of... progress ) on Track My Fault up pops the message "We believe the issue is fixed" This is infuriating when clearly the issue hasn't been fixed and a new Fault Report has to be raised.  There are many systemic failures within TalkTalk and the issues that I have encountered would make  a great training case study.

Will my issue of "Connected - No Internet" on my current Fibre 35 package be resolved before 2nd November. I very much doubt it.  


Message 69 of 82

Hi Hugh88,


I can only apologies for any inconvenience caused by this. Has your complaint manager arranged to call you back?



Message 70 of 82

All has gone quiet with TakTalk. I am now on day 35 of no internet access. I was meant to receive a call from a Manager (CEBO) on Friday between 12.00 and 14.00 but despite waiting at home no call was received. I phoned up those lovely people at their call centre to find out why no call was made and advised that there was a note on my account saying a call would be made on the Saturday at 12.00 noon. No explanation as to why Friday's call wasn't made. If I hadn't phoned up I would be none the wiser. Typical of the customer care so far.


Anyway noon on Saturday arrives and I receive a call from a Manager not Cebo but Cindy who I now had to go over the whole history again. Cindy was at a complete loss as how to resolve this. Cindy was surprised that my land line was still active as she stated that the copper line was restricted and the line ceased at the TalkTalk end....why??....she was at a loss to explain. She said she could get no data on the broadband as this appeared to be disconnected at the TalTalk end...again why???  She tried to get through to the copper line team but had no success. She also advised that as two TalkTalk Engineers and Open Reach had investigated and could find no fault,  the problem seemed to be at the TalkTalk end. She was totally stumped as how to take this forward and find a resolution. I advised her that I was sick of the whole situation and had decided to go for full fibre150  when my existing Fibre contract ends on the 18th November( I know I signed up against my better judgement just to get the nightmare resolved). Apparently this installation i programmed for the 2nd November.

In a nutshell TalkTalk have failed to resolve this issue and the customer is having to resolve it for them by upgrading to full fibre. It is quite a deplorable situation as this type of problem could arise with another customer and talktalk haven't a clue how to resolve it. I am convinced my broadband has been switched off at the talktalk end whether by design or error I don't know. When I investigated the router the Internet connectivity status was disconnected but DS showed as 40MB/S and US 10MB/s . TalkTalk are relying on this going away when I get full broadband a week on Thursday, however, I intend to take this as far as I can in the interest of the consumer. I will E-Mail Martin "The Rotweiller" Hughes, Tristia Harrison, Offcom, Martin Lewis and which Magazine. I don't expect anything from any of them as they all have their own interests and agendas but it is important that this kind of stuff is highlighted and not just swept under the carpet. Failure to resolve a technical issue by a high tech company takes incompetence to a whole new level in my book. TalkTalk...plenty of talking but no action and worse still.........No Listening!!!     


Message 71 of 82

I'm sure they are unaware that the wifi hub black is no longer available as they still show on the system and allow you to order them. They wont have said they would send one if they had known that they are no longer available.


Thanks for answering the security questions, I've sent you a PM requesting a little more information



Message 72 of 82

Hi Chris,


I was told last week that the Wi Fi Black is still available and that one would be sent out , therefore, I have been Lied to both by an Agent and a Manager. A serious breach of customer care in my opinion.


The TalkTalk Engineer has visited my home twice and on both occassions verified my home set up is fine.

The Open Reach Engineer has called twice and verified that the external line is fine.

The router will still not connect to the internet. The Open Reach Engineer and the TalkTalk Engineer both maintain the problem is at the "TalkTalk end"

Whatever the problem is then it is up to TalklTalk to sort it, not provide me with waffle and lies.


I will log on to your link, hopefully, it will work this time. But please be aware I am extermely angry about this situation and intend to take it further.







Message 73 of 82

Hi Hugh,


We no longer supply the Wifi hub black, the system allows us to order it but it just defaults to the Sagemcom. As ferguson says the, the Sagemcom isn't just for FTTP, it works fine with FTTC so if you still have no service with two different Sagemcom routers and the original HG633 then it's unlikely to be a router issue


I've PM'd you another link to the security questions so that we can look into this further




Conversation Starter
Private Message
Message 74 of 82

Hi Ferguson, Thanks for your input. The router I had previously was the Huawei HG633 as I am on a Fibre 35 contract. I do not have full fibre. I am still on the open reach copper network. The HG633 was replaced with a Sagemcom Wi-Fi Hub FAST5364 which doesn't connect to the internet. The Talktalk engineer couldn't get it to connect either. He even tried another router (another FAST5364) and no success. Another router was delivered on Monday another FAST 5364 again no success.

So let's recap the home network is okay, the external line is okay, therefore, the common denominator is the router.


Why not just send out a Wi-Fi Hub Black (Huawei DG8041W) and try that as all other means have failed. Not rocket science is it. I was told the Wi-Fi Black is still available. But for some reason TT will not send out a Wi-Fi Black and the issue just keeps rolling on.  Talk about customer service......gimme a break!


Message 75 of 82


I sent you a reply in the PM. When I followed the link all I got was a message "Oops you shouldn't be seeing this. Something went wrong please contact your agent"


For clarification the hub (pardon the pun) of this matter is that my Huwei HG633 was replaced with a Wi-Fi Hub (Sagecom FAST 5364) on 25/09/23 This replacement router will not connect to the internet. I am currently on A Fibre35 contract. I do not have full fibre and still have the old copper telephone cables. My understanding is that the Sagecom FAST 5364 is for FULL FIBRE which I currently do not have and that the replacement router should have been a Wi-Fi Hub Black (Huawei DG8041W) which is more suitable for the slower speeds. I spoke to an agent last week who confirmed that the Wi-Fi Hub Black is still available.


I managed an online chat with an agent last Friday explained the situation and for once they seemed to understand the issue and agreed to send me out a Wi-Fi Black suitable for the copper network. You can imagine my dismay when I received the replacement router on Monday 16/10/23 and it was Sagecom FAST 5364. I went through the set up anyway but the same issue arose. Amber light stayed on and the router wouldn't connect to the internet. As I have an open complaint CMP-531803 a manager phoned me on Tuesday 17/10/23 and assured me I would receive a suitable replacement router on Wed/Thur this week. To date no replacement and I am on day 32 of no internet access. 


My contract is due to expire soon and I have signed up for full fibre, however, this is not due to be installed untill 2nd November. I do have reservations about continuing with talktalk due to the issues I'm having at present and may yet cancel this order. I do not want to do this as I have been with TT many years and this is the first time I have had a problem.

The issue is that I have had no internet since the 19/09/23 and no one seems to appreciate the difference between full fibre and non full fibre networks and the types of router suitable for each. I sincerely hope that you can find a solution as all I have had so far is waffle and incompetence. If a Wi-Fi Black could be sent out to keep me going untill the 2nd November this would be much appreciated. This would be returned once full fibre is installed.  



Message 76 of 82

Hi Hugh,


Did your reply to the questions in the link I sent in my PM? They are not showing on our systems



Message 77 of 82

Sorry to see your woes, but there is no reason why any TalkTalk Hub should not work with a FTTC service. So assuming the various "engineers" had no luck even when connected at the test socket I am at a loss. I take it you have tried that yourself, as well as checking for any issues on the voice side? As far as I know the Hub Black is no longer available in any event. 


Conversation Starter
Private Message
Message 78 of 82

Hi Chris, I've replied to your PM.  I am using my neighbours Wi-Fi to send this message. I have had no internet access for 32 days and I'm getting very angry with the amount of waffle I'm getting from TalkTalk. I really hope you can help with this as all others have failed so far. This is really dreadfull PR and service from TalkTalk.


Message 79 of 82

Hi Hugh,


I've sent you a PM to confirm some details so that we can look into this further




Conversation Starter
Private Message
Message 80 of 82

INDEED I DO!!! I received a call from an alleged Manager on Monday apologising for the mess and stating that a Wifi Hub Black router would be received today and my problems would be solved. Well as expected no router was received today and no message from Yodel advising anything is on the way. I am totally sick and tired off the time taken to have this resolved and the ineptitude of TalkTalk. For the benefit of your experts please let them know note that the Wi-Fi Hub black has the WAN port on the left hand side of the ethernet ports.  The manager stated he will phone me back on Friday to check all is well.....poor guy will get short sharp shrift. I have never known such incompetence.