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upgrading home fibre ??

Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 9

Just had an text to my mobilep claiming to come from TalkTalk advising that they are " upgrading your home to full fibre of a once in a generation digital broadband upgrade across the Uk"...and that " a City Engineer will install the new fibre connection to your home ...address.....on Tuesday 08 November between 8am and 1pm...and to reply...CONFIRM if OK...CHANGE to reschedule..or MORE for more info.

This is the first we have heard of this.We have not had any advice or detail and so have not agreed to this. I am reluctant to even reply in case this is a scam...seeking to find perhaps if we are at home at that time or otherwise.

Given all the Police and National WARNINGS re never to respond to any web communications where it comes "out of the blue" as they could well be criminals seeking information/access ( there have been house breakins around our areas recently) this  communication from TalkTalk, if genuine , is a total disgrace from an International Company as a means of starting a communication re amending an installation without prior agreement or answering questions re effects on contract details etc.

If any person comes to my house claiming to be an engineer on the date specified they will be told to "go away" and if they dont I will call the police and to advise their employer to start a proper discussion and allow a client to be 100% satisfied on all accounts BEFORE anyone procedes to do anything

This adds to my growing concerns re my contract with TalkTalk...if the communication is I have been deliberating over what appears to be better offers from other Suppliers of Broadband and perhaps now is the time to change.

What ever happened to Professionalism in business with TalkTalk.


Message 1 of 9

HI @topper


The communication is real, we are upgrading all customers to FTTP where available, If you do not want the upgrade call us on  03451720088 and ask to be transferred to the future fibre team and they can stop the upgrade and you will remain on the package that you are currently on. 


Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Message 2 of 9

@nophead I have Fibre150 and the download speeds are 150Mbps. I see you have your own topic about your issue so please stick to that. 

Whizz Kid
Private Message
Message 3 of 9

Also Talktalk can't maintain even 10% of my line speed with copper when the internet is busy, so I can't see the point of fibre. Anybody here got full fibre, what sort of download speed do you get in an evening?


Whizz Kid
Private Message
Message 4 of 9

Problem is then it doesn't work when there is a power cut. Copper phone lines bring power from the exchange which has a backup for power cuts.


Message 5 of 9

thanks...understand...perhaps best to get done now?...will see what they say tomorrow


Community Star
Private Message
Message 6 of 9

The support team here will be able to advise more when they are back tomorrow, but the time will come when the current phone network will be retired and the signal will have to come down a full fibre connection, however that time is likely to be a little way off at the moment.

Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 9

thanks for the reply...can i ask?..what are my issues if i dont want the offered upgrade free or otherwise? ..and refuse it?...what we have at present works perfectly for us and i dont wish any disturbance to either garden or internal home?

these are the sort of issues which customers need to have explained and understood before agreeing to any upgrading?

thanks for any comment you have 


Community Star
Private Message
Message 8 of 9

Hi @topper,


Based on the wording you describe it does sound very much like the genuine messages that customers have received regarding a full fibre upgrade. But I do agree with you, receiving this 'out of the blue' as the very first communication about an upgrade is very poor.


The support team here will be back on Monday and may be able to give you some more reassurance about whether this is a genuine upgrade message.

Anonymous User