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Missing Folders for saved emails have disappeared.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 15

Sometime during the last 7 days, all of my folders for saved emails have disappeared from my Windows Outlook Mail and my TalkTalk email account.  I have lost many very important emails.  I have two email addresses via TalkTalk.  Fortunately, I have eM-Client as a third system - also via TalkTalk - for emails   The multiple storage folders in this system have remained in place. But I urgently need the specific missing folders lost from Outlook and TalkTalk.  I have had these folders for many years, without problem.  What caused this recent incident to happen?


Message 1 of 15

Hi franconapoletano,


Please can you create your own topic and we can look into this for you.







First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 15

Unfortunately I cannot help as indeed I need help to retrieve My folders which also have disappeared .

Any suggestions as to what might have happened and whether the serious damage can be repaired??


Message 3 of 15

Excellent news and particularly so as your hands-on engineer found the 'missing' mail folders and messages.  I agree with your engineer that remote diagnosis without the device in front of you can be difficult at times.


Grateful thanks for coming back and confirming your eM Client and TalkTalk Mail are back in action.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 4 of 15

Hello Gondola,


I'm pleased to tell you that my computer engineer came yesterday and managed to resolve all of my email issues.  He played my computer keyboard like a piano!  Don't ask me what or how he did it, but he managed to find all of the missing folders and emails; and reorganise my email systems... within one hour!  Basically, it seems that TalkTalk mail is going to be used primarily as the 'essential' server.  However, all emails from both of my email addresses will also be delivered to eM Client; important emails will be stored in the existing and restored folders from TalkTalk that are now in eM Client.  On his advice, my engineer has suggested that Outlook Mail will remain simply as a back-up system - without any local storage folders. eM Client is now my primary email system.

Gondola, this has been a mind-boggling problem for me and I'm grateful for your help.  My engineer expressed sympathy and understanding  for your part in this matter.  He said that he could not have resolved these issues just by using correspondence on a website.  The issues involved were complicated and required 'hands-on' methods, by an experienced engineer.  All working fine now!

Message 5 of 15

The backend maintenance referred to the migration of mailboxes to the new TalkTalk Mail cloud 8 platform. To the best of my knowledge that was completed some time ago in the back end of 2023.


The initial withdrawal of the create and delete functions was to ensure the mailbox database was fixed to allow a phased migration in batches.


The fact that the message still remains in MyAccount and the create and delete functions are still not restored does not imply there's still anything of relevance to the issue you're reporting - there's no ongoing work - just a decision not to restore the functions at this time.


Yes, do please update us on the unanswered questions:

  • Was it you or someone unknown that actioned in 2024 the TalkTalk Mail Archive function?
  • Why there was no 2023 archive folder if that can be diagnosed locally?
  • What the eM Client account type is - POP3 or IMAP? If it is confirmed as IMAP, as you think, then do you see the archived folders synchronised in eM Client? - An IMAP account should mirror the folders in the TalkTalk mailbox.  If you delete or move content in eM Client for synchronised folders then that action will be mirrored back onto the mailbox folders.
  • Why eM Client is apparently being used to save wanted emails and therefore why it does not hold the emails that you believe were in TalkTalk Mail and or Outlook?
  • Where does Outlook figure in this? Another POP3 or IMAP email client connecting to the TalkTalk mailbox?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 6 of 15

I've tried to check the settings and change my password as described.  The TalkTalk Website message is: 


Please Note - we have temporarily removed the create/delete mailbox functionality as we are performing some backend maintenance work on our email platform. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

More chaos?!  Sorry, I can't keep up with this techno-babble... and confusing website.  As far as I can tell, eM Client is IMAP.  However, I'm waiting for my computer engineer to contact me, to see if he can unravel this chaos.  He's a very busy man at the moment.  Not surprising!  Will let you know his findings in due course.




Message 7 of 15

I've just reviewed what I said about the 2024 archive folder and realised I didn't get it quite right so I've amended that. Basically, I said the reason for the 2024 archive folder being empty was that someone had deleted the contents. This is only true if manual archiving of newer messages took place earlier this year. But it's still a fact that someone actioned the Archive function in 2024 AFTER the mailbox was migrated to the new platform. The archive function only archives content older than 90 days so that's the real reason the folder is empty as we're not yet 90 days into 2024. Other previous archive year folders should have content if there was content to archive unless those folders / messages have been deleted.


You didn't say if it was you that actioned the Archive function sometime this year?  I'm asking only to determine if someone else has had access to the mailbox. But there's only 2024 and 2022 folders although no content. No 2023 folder. So were there no messages in the Inbox or other folders to archive for 2023? Or has someone deleted that year's content along with the folder?


Good plan to get someone to look at the computer and other devices to assess and advise. I can diagnose issues but only based on what you indicate.


You haven't confirmed if eM Client is set up as POP3 or IMAP. It'll be clear from the account settings and the incoming server settings.


You said eM Client has saved "vast numbers" of messages in local folders so is eM Client set up as POP3 and that's downloading all messages from the Inbox and from the local Inbox you're saving wanted messages? A POP3 email client would not sync these local folders back to Outlook or TalkTalk Mail.  

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 8 of 15

Hi Gondola,


Regarding the security of my TalkTalk account: I have Malwarebytes Premium system. Automatic daily scans are carried out each morning at about 8.30 am; and automated major scans are carried  weekly.  There have been no alerts in recent weeks and the reports always come up with "Awesome! No threats detected.  100% Excellent!"


It seems that neither TalkTalk or Microsoft are prepared to accept any responsibility for the loss of my folders and emails due to recent updates and changes to their respective email and/or programme systems.  This discussion is now getting into the realms of speculation: Both companies are implying there is no fault attached to them; each company blames the other... or me!  Techno babble is now creeping in, adding to my bewilderment and consuming lots of my time. Therefore I have instructed a trusted (but costly!) computer technician - who I have used for many years - to check over my TalkTalk and Microsoft email systems and to examine and report on all of the recent events.  I will let you know the outcome in due course.  At this stage I am very disappointed at the service received from both companies.


Message 9 of 15

Troubleshooting issues can be complex and can take time. But I can give you a timeline of what's happened as regards the Archive folders.


The fact that the Archive folder is immediately below the Trash folder does mean that the Archive function has been used after mailbox migration has taken place. i.e. TalkTalk migrated the mailbox to the new cloud 8 platform including the previously archived 2022 folder and contents. The Archive folder and its 2022 sub-folder would have initially shown as a sub-folder of the My Folders virtual folder and this is where they would be now if the Archive function had not been used after mailbox migration to the new platform.


At some time after that migration the Archive function was used in 2024. This initial user activation of the archive function would have moved the Archive folder to its current position as a standard folder and a 2024 sub-folder created. But the fact that the 2024 folder has no messages is normal because only messages that are older than 90 days are archived unless specific newer messages were selected for archiving. 


I hope you followed that timeline OK? Bottom line is that if you did not action the Archive function in TalkTalk Mail this year (you say you seldom use the webmail sign in) then someone else did so do scan your email devices for password capturing virus, trojan or other malware and then upgrade the password. Check TalkTalk Mail for Rules that might be still spying on your mail messages. 


TalkTalk Technical Support are available via LiveChat 9am to 9pm weekdays to 7pm Saturdays to 6pm Sundays and via the normal TalkTalk contact number. I'll give you the details below. Let me know if you find any Technical Support agents that have in depth experience of the Open Xchange Mail platform and I'll take a very long holiday!


 LiveChat and TalkTalk contact information

 When to contact TalkTalk? - select and scroll to see contact availability times


TIP - Pause tracker blocking in the browser, ad-blockers and similar blocking software to avoid conflict with the operation of chat messaging.

Landline calls to Customer Services on 0345 172 0088 are free from a TalkTalk home 'phone but otherwise are at a standard landline call rate.


Mobile calls to Customer Services on 0203 441 5550; Text Relay Service is 18001 then 0345 172 0088.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 10 of 15

I note the security issue notes you have notified... astonishing!  Evil people about! I'll change my password soon.


Yes, Archive is shown below Trash. However, clicking on the inward facing chevron reveals only "2024 & 2022" (!) and when I click on either of these years it still says "This Folder is Empty."  The same applies when I click on Trash folder.


Regarding eM Client, I don't know if its IMAP or POP3, without trawling through settings, etc.  This all getting a bit too techy for me now.  However, I will do this later and let you know.  I do have a Cloud back-up account with Currys.  Should I contact them for help?


I appreciate your offer to try and find out what/where the 'maybe hacker' has done with the missing messages.  It looks as though the TalkTalk mailbox is functioning normally, but as stated previously, I seldom use the TalkTalk mail, eM Client is the everyday email system I use... and that is working perfectly with vast numbers of emails saved in multiple folders.  Completely unaffected by the chaos in the Windows Outlook and TalkTalk systems... thankfully!


Can you tell me why it seems impossible to get direct help from a TalkTalk technician by telephone?  Watching and using this Community website is both complicated and very time-consuming.  Nevertheless Gondola, I do appreciate your help. 






Message 11 of 15

On the security issue, a hacker will forward your mail messages, use your mailbox and can obviously delete everything to hide their activity and just for malicious intent before they quit.


Is Archive at the bottom of the list of standard folders immediately underneath Trash? Just clicking on Archive will show as empty. This is because that is a virtual folder. The actual folders containing year by year archives are selected by selecting the inward facing chevron in front of Archive and that will expand to show what's been archived year by year.


Also when looking at the Trash folder you need to expand the Trash to show sub-folders.


Noted that eM Client's saved folders did not include the folders you're asking about. Is eM Client set up as an IMAP email account for TalkTalk Mail? Or set up as a POP3 email account? TalkTalk always advise users to make a backup copy on a device / device drive / another mailbox or cloud store because there is no TalkTalk copy of mailboxes to call upon to recover missing messages.


I can guide you to look where messages might be in the event of unintentional user activity but then neither of us has direct knowledge of what a hacker has done.


Is the mailbox functioning normally so far as you're aware? No Rules present to spy on new messages or divert messages elsewhere?

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Message 12 of 15

Hi Gondola,


Sorry for the delay in responding.  I've never used TalkTalk Community before and didn't know that I would receive such a quick response.  I've already checked the Trash and Archive folders... they are both empty.  There is no trace of the several missing named folders - or the specific important emails - within the folders, that I've  had for years.


I can't imagine that somebody has found my password and deleted the subject folders.  Why would they? What benefit would it be to them?  I seldom use the actual TalkTalk site email facility.  I predominantly use eM Client; none of the folders or emails have gone missing from that system; just missing from TalkTalk and Windows Outlook. 


Is it a coincidence that both of the foregoing have undergone (or are in process of) substantial email system changes and updates.  Also, Windows completed a general update on all Windows 10 computers a couple of days before this incident occurred.  Another Coincidence?  I've asked Microsoft for help (they actually took over my computer, with my permission, a couple of days ago);  they could not find an explanation; that is when they suggested that I contacted TalkTalk.  I found it impossible to find a telephone number to speak to a technician at TalkTalk, hence my accessing TalkTalk Community.


Incidentally, your suggestion about moving saved messages from eM Client to TalkTalk is not a solution.  The lost messages and folders in the TalkTalk system were intentionally unique to the TalkTalk server and not duplicated elsewhere.  


Thanks for your interest and advice.  Any other suggestions would be appreciated.






Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 15

I noted that you'd signed out of Community before letting us know if you'd found the 'missing' emails and you no longer needed help or if you do still need help.  Grateful if you'd sign back into Community and let us know one way or the other.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 15

I'm not personally aware of any incident. Have you looked in the Trash folder to check if folders have been inadvertently deleted. Deleted folders and messages get moved to the Trash folder for 30 days before being deleted. Heads up that folders are shown as sub-folders of the main Trash folder.


Have you also looked in the Archive, year by year sub-folders to see if mail messages are there?


Do you believe your mailbox password has been discovered and someone unknown to you has deleted the folders and contents? Upgrading the password might be a precautionary move to lock out such activity.


Good to know that you do still have the folders and their messages saved in eM Client. You can therefore repopulate missing content in TalkTalk Mail by dragging and dropping mail messages in eml format into the required folders.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

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