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Connection suddenly dropped in one room

Team Player
Private Message
Message 14 of 14

Not had too many issues with TT (well at least not without a couple of hours re-setting all devices and putting up with slower speeds than normal at certain times of day) but this one is doing my head in. 
Throughout the house I'm getting good speeds but my living room has now decided to not connect to any device. Historically it is usually slower than the rest of the house (59 in same room as router, 30 ish in living room) but now nothing. 
Powered down and back up does nothing!!
Just tried ringing customer service and awaiting a call back from a very unhappy, bored sounding tech support. 
Anyone got a magic number through to someone who isn't going to ruin my weekend!? 


Message 1 of 14



I've just posted on your other topic.





Message 2 of 14



I've run a test on the line which hasn't detected a fault. Would you like us to send a replacement router for testing purposes to rule this out? We would also send a router returns bag so that one of the routers can be returned.





Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 14

This now sounds like a router or line issue. I have asked the TalkTalk support on this forum to investigate after the weekend. If they think the router is to blame, they will replace it for you


I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 


Message 4 of 14

Wired connections are for the TV and PS, where they were faultless, they are now dropping off.


Message 5 of 14



Message 6 of 14

Thanks. I was told categorically that there would be no router replacement and I'm left stressed out. My daughter has used up all her data, my wife can't watch TV and I'm unable to work in my studio. My evening has been spent screen grabbing a range of speeds, sat in the same spot. I can understand fluctuation but I can't accept the extremes of speed and such a rate of disconnection! There is no pattern to it. 
Most of my cameras, smart plugs, Alexas have given up on me and I no longer have the security previously relied on. 
The last tech rep I spoke to added insult to injury and my day off wasted! 


Message 7 of 14

@UITACOOM I have merged this with your other recent topic where the support team and others have already offered to help. 

Message 8 of 14



Just to confirm, are you also experiencing the same sort of speed issues with a wired Ethernet connection ?.


Problems with wireless speeds can often be caused by your local Wi-Fi environment, but if you are also having the same issues with Ethernet connected devices then that would eliminate Wi-Fi as being the cause, and so would make it more likely the issue was an actual fault.


The support team here will be back on Monday, if they did feel that the router itself might be at fault then they would be able to arrange a replacement for you.


Message 9 of 14

After 2 hours of testing last week, the issue seemed to be fixed. The dead zone room I was experiencing (for the first time) was sorted, however it moved the issue to another room (also never an issue regarding signal).
Today I have spent 2 hours running over the same tests, exchange to router, all good, speed tests, via TT not the best but OK. One test was very good so there the support was going to end! The tech however was very supportive and did try to carry out further tests but no solution!
I am now in the position that there is no consistency at all, wired ethernet is touch and go, wi-fi in the room that the router is in varies from 1.1 to 65.0 mbs and my studio is either not connectable or the fastest it's ever been!
Spoke to the third tech (going over the same procedure as before due to no notes made regarding the previous call) and I'm left with the feeling that that's it, line is good and on the rare instance he saw that I did get an intermittent connection, there's no more that can be done. No acknowledgment that the router could be at fault (which previously it was).
1. Do you think that boosting the signal their end would cause an unstable connection?
2. Are the latest routers so good they can't be at fault, thus leaving the customer stressed and without internet, relying on mobile data!
I am video recording my experiences and going to put them on Youtube to show others I'm not going mad!


Message 10 of 14



How are you getting on? Do you still need assistance with this?





Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 14

Wi-Fi interference can change by the minute. I have seen many times where one or more rooms suddenly lose WiFi signals & it was always down to this issue. 

Have you had TalkTalk’s Wi-Fi optimisation disabled on your Sagemcom router? When this is enabled, as it is by default, it has the power to override any Wi-Fi configuration changes made. This will not help rectify this type of problem if Wi-Fi Optimisation is allowed to change settings. Only TalkTalk can disable this for you, you cannot do it yourself. If not, just request they disable this for you in your reply.


However, this alone will probably not solve it, hence my offer of help. If you change your mind let me know.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 


Team Player
Private Message
Message 12 of 14

Appreciate the response and thanks I am aware of what you say and of the mind that if it has always worked and now isn't some fault is with the ISP in as much as their equipment may now be at fault. I am experiencing an issue that has never been an issue for around 4-5 years. My router is a Sagemcom ( I believe the latest version). Just been hung up on/call dropped by TT so have time to respond.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 14

Slow speed, intermittent dropouts, breaks in the signal, no signal on some or all devices or no internet access might be caused by Wi-Fi interference from other local networks, which can also lead to a permanent reduction in speed. This can affect one or more rooms in a property. No ISP can be responsible for your local environment, this is mainly a byproduct of the popularity of Wi-Fi.

Generally speaking, the 2.4GHz band suffers much more from interference than the 5GHz band, but the 2.4GHz one can sometimes have a better range, but this all depends on your local area.

If you would like me to help you, please can you specify the make/model of TalkTalk router that you are using?

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they?