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Door to Door Sales Complaint

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Message 3 of 3



About 13:45 this afternoon, I answered a knock on my front door.  Normally if I'm home alone, I don't answer the door if I'm not expecting anyone, however my housemate had gone out and I thought he'd forgotten his keys.


Three men were standing outside, firstly claiming to be from City Fiber and then claiming to be working for TalkTalk.  None of them were wearing any kind of ID, nothing to show that they were from either TalkTalk or City Fiber.   I asked to see ID, they dodged the question twice. 


They started asking who my broadband was with - I told them I'd very recently joined with TalkTalk via City Fiber.  When I said this, one of the men started tapping on the box that was installed just under my window (I have no idea why, but he moved away when I asked what he was doing), while the other two started barraging me with rapid fire questions about my speeds, was it fast enough, did I have enough data (this one threw me to be honest) and then started asking how much I paid per month. One of them then went to speak to my elderly neighbor about his broadband and was trying to hard sell him into signing up to something with them at the door; only leaving him alone when he said his son and daughter-in-law were with him.


They then came back to me (I hadn't gone back inside as I wanted to keep an eye on my neighbor) and started with the same questions again - I wasn't about to answer as I had no idea who they were or if they even worked for either company.  Again, I asked to see ID and they just dodged the question and then started moving closer to my front door.  


They continued asking how much I was paying, at which point I said that surely they'd know what the prices were like for the company they worked for.  Two of them moved closer to my door again, telling me that they're not given the prices and started trying to guess what I paid; telling me they could get it at a better price.


At this point, I was more than a little uncomfortable and told them my phone was ringing and I had to take the call.  Two of them backed up, the other took another step forward and said "I don't hear your phone ringing at all, how much are you paying?"


I closed the door on them, heard them calling me some vaguely unpleasant names before they finally left.


I've already spoken to City Fiber who said this is wholly unacceptable and they're not completely certain there was anyone on door to door sales in my area.  I've just gotten off the phone with someone from TalkTalk who refused to even check that and just told me to speak to the non-emergency police department.


I'm assuming this is not normal behavior for TalkTalk or City Fiber sales people?

"All civilizations become either spacefaring or extinct."

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3


is this guy someone who Talktalk recognizes? I had similar situation today he allowed me to take picture of his if. I domyśliłem this way of approaching customers if it is genuine, I told

gim let talktalk

call me.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 2 of 3

Hi @EShepard 


I'm sorry that this happened,  thanks for reporting this I will escalate this to the relevant team.