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Download speed more than halved on fibre 65

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 22 of 22

I have fibre 65 via a dsl-3782 router provided by talktalk. Previously I was getting 50Mbps download however over the past week this has now dropped to a paltry 23Mbps which is completely substandard for what I am paying for. The current link rate displayed in the router dashboard is just a mere 14272/24999 Kbps.


I have used the live connection test and it identified a fault, however it doesn't specify what the fault is only that a case has been opened (Reference: REP-14603239). It's now been stuck saying they will have an update for me in 5 minutes for the past 2 days. I tried the live chat which was just awful. Constantly being passed pillar to post from different chat handlers and now even that doesn't work. The track my fault page now just links me to the run a speed test page which then sends me back to the track my fault page, repeat ad infinitum.


I have tried turning the router off, tried swapping the microfilter, tried factory reset via the pinhole button on the back, tried plugging it into the master socket test slot and nothing has made any difference. Still stuck with this dreadfully slow speed.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 21 of 22

Sorry to see this. You seem to have done a lot of diagnostic work already, but have you checked for any issues on the voice side, such as noise on the line? Subject to that, the support team here should pick this up tomorrow.