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Elderly friend being Fibre 150 upgraded today but phone customer only no router ever supplied by TT

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 10

I found out last night that a family friend is due to have fibre 150 installed today. She lives in a house that was originally built with cable TV pre installed.  She currently has broadband from Virgin and a phone line from TalkTalk (fibre 35) and has never been given a router by TT.


She recently had a call from TalkTalk offering her fibre 150 installed by cityfibre. The sales person rapidly ran through the installation explaining that her phone would be plugged into her router, she then explained she did not have a TalkTalk router but the sales person seemed oblivions of  what was being said. Cityfibre have recently dug up her road and she has a small fibre cover in the pavement outside her house.


She is due to have an engineer come to install fibre 150 today and has not been sent an Eero or a DVA, does this mean the install will fail or will the contractor bring what he needs with him. This is an elderley couple who don't really know what is going on and were not fully run through what is required or what is going to be done.  They had no knowledge of needing four free electrical sockets or the need for a decision maker to be present. They both have serious health complications, one of them even has a failed kidney.


Message 1 of 10

Hi zebidee88,


Glad to hear the installation went ahead successfully, thanks for letting us know



Message 2 of 10

@martswain They are keeping their virgin service in one form or another, prior to yesterday they were paying for a TT broadband package and only using the phone, although charging for broadband TT never sent them a router. When their house was built it had a cable connection from day one as the idea was to have cable TV and no aerials. They didn't bother with the TT broadband as the virgin product was so much faster, but didn't use the virgin phone number. With their age and health issues I think they would have been better staying as they were but were bullied into changing by a sales person. 

The argument about mobile phones as a back up does not hold water, as in a power cut your mobile phone only works as long as the  battery lasts, so unless it is just after you have charged the battery, for many handsets in a few hours you are stuffed. Also mobile phone masts do not have an independent power supply and after a while they would power down as well.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 10

@zebidee88 if they have Virgin broadband that WILL NOT be cancelled after an installation from TT/CityFibre

They will have to cancel the Virgin service themselves and if they are "in contract" that may well have an early termination fee.


Message 4 of 10

Hi @Chris-TalkTalk Sue has been successfully installed by Cityfibre, the engineer supplied and fitted a Sage router and a DVA box. Many thanks for your help.


Message 5 of 10

I can say that the engineer will usually complete the installation even if the router hasn't arrived, if customer agrees. The old services usually doesn't cease at the same time as the City Fibre installation so usually the old service will continue to work for a time afterwards.



Message 6 of 10

Hi @Chris-TalkTalk I can understand that, I was hoping for just a yes or no to the engineer bringing all that was needed. Their install should be taking place now, I will wait and see what happened, if all goes well I will post that it has, if not I will get Sue to register on the forum and join this thread.

Today is my own third install date (BT moved then no showed) between 13.00 and 18.00 so it may be tomorrow.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 7 of 10

Hi zebidee88,


Is there any way that the account holder can register on the Community and post on this thread as we can only really discuss this with the account holder.



Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 10

I have added their name address, postcode and phone number. I don't have their order number and they are not answering their phone. The engineer is due between 08.00 and 13.00 today. They are willing to move to a phone through a dva but must not be left without a phone. If the visit fails it will be down to the telesales person.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 10

Add their name and address details and landline number  / order number in your Private Notes at the end of Personal Information. SAVE CHANGES.


Staff won't otherwise be able to check the details of the case, @zebidee88.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.