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Fibre landline

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 2

Help!  I had fibre installed a few weeks ago, including landline, and for the past three days the phone hasn't worked.  Right from the start it gave an intermittent tone when picked up (the same as when there's a voicemail, which there never was) but calls out and in were ok.  For the last three days incoming calls have rung, but the line's dead when I pick up, and outgoing calls give what sounds like the engaged signal.  I've tried unplugging and plugging the phone lines but no joy.  I've got a mobile so I'm not cut off from the outside world (oh, and I'm currently isolating due to covid), but am in my 70s and not hugely tech savvy.  I successfully linked fibre up to my tv, and installed the eero thingy, but I'm stuck re the phone.  Can anyone help?


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 2

There's an ongoing problem with VOIP, @JessH1.


Staff will be on here tomorrow. 


Make sure that you have completed your community forum profile details for them to identify your account. 


Go via your avatar; settings; drop down menu....add your Talktalk phone number or account number in Personal Information. SAVE CHANGES. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.