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Fibre65 upgrade

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 11

Hello, I hope somebody can help.


I upgraded our broadband from copper to Fibre65 on 11th March and we were given the go live date as Thursday 20th March.

Our Internet stopped working on Saturday 15th (I noticed no dial tone on our phone do assume the line is disconnected). When I rang on Saturday the lady said it should be working fine by this morning. It still isn't and I have been passed back and forth through the chat ( first to technical, then to  package management then back to technical). My data was running out so had to leave. Could someone please see what is going on. Thank you so much.


Message 1 of 11

@Gliwmaeden2  thank you so much for your response.  I had no idea what they would be doing on the 20th so you have made it a lot clearer. I am not good with these things so I  really appreciate everyone's help. I feel alot calmer now. Thank you.

Message 2 of 11

@Chris-TalkTalk, is it possible to reassure the customer that there will be an engineer involved with the upgrade on the 20th, so to make sure that someone is at home should access be required?


@vth2025, the FTTC upgrade usually just requires the engineer to work at a distance, but you are advised to be at home. Hopefully we will get some clarity into whether the state of the landline can be addressed at the same time for you.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 3 of 11

Hi. This is fibre to cabinet. My contract says the following:

Your TalkTalk plan is Fibre 65. This plan is Landline and a part-fibre connection.

Message 4 of 11

@vth2025, could you clarify for us following your thread whether your upgrade is to Fibre to the cabinet, Fibre65, or Fibre to the premises, Fibre65, as there is an important difference regarding the telephone?

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 5 of 11

So would this have been known on the 15th when I rang the technical team? She spoke to another section who told her it would be back up on Monday as they were doing some transitions and that this is normal. On the 16th open reach text us to say the new service is being activated on the 20th.


More importantly, why has no-one been keeping us updated about  this? Should they not have informed us?  So does this mean we will have no internet on the 20th? Am assuming open reach already know of this error so 72 hours would have started a few days ago?


Message 6 of 11

It doesn't look as though you've been disconnected, it appears to be a line fault (it looks as though there was a fault before the 15th as the error count was very high) We can't actually book an engineer for a specific day anyway as the line test has failed with an error code that requires that we raise it to Openreach as a non-appointed task which just means that Openreach will investigate over the next 72 hours. But as there's an open order for an upgrade on the 20th it's very unlikely that will take any action in the next 48 hours

Message 7 of 11

Hi Chris,


Thanks for the reply.

Yes it is part fibre, Fibre65.

So are they connecting the phone line back on the 20th?

Bit upset as I had been assured there would be no loss of service between the 11th march(when I upgraded) and the 20th when it goes live. 

Would it be possible for an engineer to come out on 20th as am now worried whether this will go ahead correctly. Also we all have cognitive disabilities in this house and setting these things up causes alot of distress. Hope you can help. Thank you.


Message 8 of 11

Hi vth2025,


Line test is showing a disconnection in network. As you are going to upgraded to Fibre in a couple of days I'm afraid there isn't really much that we can do at this stage as the engineer probably wouldn't get out to you before the upgrade. Apologies for any inconvenience



Message 9 of 11

Thank you very much for that.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 11

Hi @vth2025 your post has been escalated and you should hear tomorrow.

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.