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Slow Fibre 150 - Multiple engineer visits already

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 30 of 30

Hi there, I have seen a few posts regarding slow speeds with Fibre 150 that seem to be similar to the problems I have been experiencing (since contract started really)

I seem to be almost always achieving only approx 35-39 MB download speeds instead of anywhere near the guaranteed minimum. If you were to look at the daily/monthly average speeds over the course of the contract (which I imagine can be done), you'd see that it averages out at about 35MB.

I've had 3 visits so far (possibly four including today!) and many many hours on Chat or Phone. The Chat is incredibly useless unfortunately, although I appreciate they are running through scripts. I connected via ethernet to the router to test speeds (same result) but the chat suggested WIFI Guides and tips (makes no sense!)

I'm not sure where to go with this really, in the 3 visits I've had the engineer has done 'something' which has increased speeds to 95-99MB, still under the guarantee but better. Each time though, after a week or two, the speeds fall to 30MB again. I should raise this more each time, but as I'm sure you can appreciate it is really painful to do so. 

Todays engineer visit was signed off as resolved with no change to speeds at all - not sure they did anything really.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated, if its not resolved this time then I'd definitely be looking to initiate the 30 day non-resolved cancellation policy (with no charges), as it's been a long and painful road trying to get the speeds I pay for.

Thanks and apologies for the wall of text!



Message 1 of 30

Morning @DanielGaze 


How's the connection/speed been since your last post?


Message 2 of 30

Good afternoon,


I'm glad to hear this and thanks for the update. If the work was completed externally on Openreach maintained equipment then charges will not be applied. We'll check back in with you on Friday just to ensure that your speeds have remained consistent.




Michelle 🙂



Message 3 of 30

Hi just reporting back as the OpenReach engineer has just left. It's good news as the speeds are up to what they should be. In terms of the fault, the engineer said that there's 2 junctions before the connection gets to my box outside my front door, it basically does a weird double hop going from the Exchange box to two junctions and then to my property. The loss of speed was occurring between junctions 2 and 3 due to a faulty cable, which he was able to replace and resolve. After that the speeds maintained coming onto the connection box attached to my property. He said that the issue could have been there for a long time, and said I certainly wouldn't expect a charge for it as the fault is off-premise. I'm sure the notes will reflect the same - but hopefully I'll be able to get written confirmation that I won't be charged for the work carried out?

In any case many thanks for the efforts involved, certainly a good result. 

Message 4 of 30

Message 5 of 30

Ok great thanks Debbie, I'll ensure to take some notes from the engineer too and report back. Thanks!

Message 6 of 30

Hi Dan


I've arranged the engineer visit for 17/06 AM (8am - 1pm)


Please let us know how you get on following this visit, we can also check the engineers notes.






Message 7 of 30

I guess I'll need to - AM is probably better if possible thanks. Just to advise Sunday 30th June - Friday 5th July we'll be unavailable

Message 8 of 30

Hi Dan


Ok, would you like me to go ahead and arrange the engineer visit?


When are you available AM and PM?


Message 9 of 30

I've tried an ethernet connection directly to the openreach equipment so it's definitely not the router. I can't imagine it'd be a wiring problem as that would have been spotted on previous visits. So I can't imagine what there would be that would incur charges. 

Message 10 of 30

Hi Dan


If the fault is found to be with Openreach maintained equipment up to the test socket, then no charges would be applied.


Charges can be applied if the fault is found to be with the router, internal wiring or any damage to the wiring or master socket etc.


Message 11 of 30

Morning Michelle, thanks for monitoring. What are the circumstances around the potential time related charges? What potential issues might be identified that would mean me getting charged? As I've mentioned this has been an ongoing issue over time with multiple engineer visits already and seemingly no resolution. 

Considering that I've never reached anywhere near guaranteed minimum speeds, do I have grounds for no-fee contract termination? I'd rather do that than have to pay £50-£100 in time related charges to be honest.


Message 12 of 30

Morning Dan,


I've re-checked your connection stats now and the sync speed hasn't increased. If you've like us to arrange the engineer visit then please can you confirm acceptance of possible time related charges and also provide some availability AM (8-1) or PM (1-6) and we'll book this in for you.







Message 13 of 30

Hi Dan,


I understand and I'll keep you updated on this.





Message 14 of 30

Ok thanks Michelle, I'll wait to see how it develops but I am sceptical about the time related engineer charges - given the experience over time that I've had, and if you consider that I've never had the guaranteed minimum speeds despite multiple calls logs, visits etc, I'm certainly not too far away from requesting a no-fee contract termination. Obviously I'm happy to give it another shot but as I'm sure you can's gone on long enough and I've spent way too much time on it.


Message 15 of 30

Hi Dan,


We'd have to agree possible time related engineer charges if we arrange the visit but this wouldn't apply if the engineer locates the fault on Openreach maintained equipment. We are here first thing in the morning so we'll re-check your connection stats and will post an update straight here.







Message 16 of 30

Yes that'd be fine thank you, obviously I'll be monitoring the speeds from my side too. Would the engineer visit be at my cost?


Message 17 of 30

Hi Dan,


I can see that there was a fault showing on the line which is now clear following the work completed by the engineer. Unfortunately we can't manually adjust the speed from here as DLM will usually start to increase the speed around 48hrs after any work has been completed/fault resolution and also if the connection remains stable. Would it be ok if we monitor this for you over the next 12 hours to see has both the stability and speed compares and if there is no change then we can book an engineer visit for you?






Message 18 of 30

I'm not sure if the connection drops as it's difficult to determine whether it's that or it's simply because of the speeds. When we have all members of the house here and using streaming services obviously the 30MB does start to slow everything down. Regardless, when I run speed tests it's always hovering around the 30-35MB range. 

I'm certainly not seeing any improvements following the engineer visit from yesterday - but also you'd need to bear in mind that this isn't the first time I've tried to have it resolved, it's been going on for a long time. Not to mention that I've never actually achieved the guaranteed minimum speeds in the life of the contract so far.


Message 19 of 30

Hi Dan


I've just checked the engineers notes and they have advised that they fixed a fault at the cabinet. I'm surprised the engineer didn't also reset DLM after the fault was fixed (to increase the speed again)


Is the connection dropping or just slowing down?


Now the fault has been resolved at the cabinet DLM should start to change the profile again and increase the speed, if the connection remains stable.


Message 20 of 30

Hi Debbie, the new router was a while ago now (6 months maybe more?) and was due to it having a faulty ethernet port. When OpenReach last attended the property they did 'something' but I'm not sure what which very briefly upped the speed to somewhere between 80-90MB. He said he had other things to try at the exchange box to get up to the guaranteed minimum speed but I didn't hear anything else after that (and the speeds didn't increase).


Just for info there was an Openreach visit yesterday, but not to my property. I saw the engineer at the exchange box and my internet went down briefly. I then received the notification from TalkTalk to advise the issue had been resolved but nothing had changed - hence why I decided to begin the (painful) course of trying to resolve with TalkTalk. 


Another engineer visit is fine, but would this potentially be at my cost?