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FIbre Support

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This is not the first occurrence, as my previous threads on here have mentioned. But, I recently received this email from TalkTalk.


Hello Sarah,
As part of a broadband network upgrade in your area, we’ve previously contacted you to arrange an appointment to update your home to full fibre broadband, the UK’s fastest, most reliable broadband technology.

Unfortunately, the engineer was unable to carry out the install. This might have been because you were unavailable, or the time wasn’t convenient. To make sure you don’t miss out, we will shortly arrange another date for you.

Your upgrade is free of charge and your existing contract, telephone number and extra services won’t change.

Your new appointment date will be sent to you within the next couple of weeks by email and SMS. Once you receive it, please respond to confirm, or re-arrange the appointment.

If you live in rented accommodation, please let your landlord know and get their permission in advance of the appointment.


When on earth is this so called upgrade going to actually happen?
In the past, things have been arranged, only for it to all fail, as they say it can't be completed, the connection can't be made to the network, there is no fibre, etc etc.
I've had several ethernet cables sent to me. Two of those didn't even have my name on the package.

I think the original issue here, is that I live in a top floor flat of a three storey block. The issue may be down to actually getting the fibre from street level to property.
There are other residents though, in my block, who are connected to the CityFibre infrastructure (when it is not being vandalised), so it can be done.

What I need to know is what the plans are for this upgrade. I haven't arranged this one and can't simply drop everything in the hope of any smooth installation that might not even happen.



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Not much help really. But thnx anyway. I haven't placed any orders. Nor have I asked for an upgrade. This is your own infrastructure being upgraded, away from the copper cable network. This is something that is planned nationally. But when? Why do I keep getting this planned upgrade message, without any promises or timescale of events?


Support Team
Private Message
Message 2 of 3

Hi SarahLou5


I would suggest contacting the future fibre team  0345 172 0113 they will be able to give you more information, currently I cant see any order for an upgrade on your account.


Sorry for any inconvenience caused.