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My talk talk wifi hub started acting up. The wifi would be connected but the device would stop responding having to restart wifi on the device.
turning the router off for a reboot. It would take ages to reboot and when it did. All the settings forgotten. Incl wifi passwords defaulting and admin password
last time i rebooted it. It took 4 hours to come back to a useable state
what's more is I have noticed from January 11 until i bought a brand new that isn't talk ralk router ( im gfast so have the extra sagam modem) it re established talking to the dimplex cloud again. that controller is plugged in by ethernet and allows the storage heaters etc all communicate
I spoke to talk talk about rhe issue. They came back with the router seemed healthy and fine and apparently it was the modem that was the issue and they said they had requested a new modem
not heard anything about that either
when the contract is up. Soon. Im moving back to sky.
then I can send the junk router back as I don't need a replacement now
modem seems just fine too i believe
tplink archer AXE75 in place of talk talk super hub wifi
at least it works and properly
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