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3 hours ago
I was told last Friday that I would have a new router sent within 3 working days estimating delivery by yesterday, so far I have not received it and have had no communication that it is on it's way. The chat doesn't appear to be working for me to chase this up and I have received multiple text messages and emails to say that my issue has been resolved but I am still without a router. I am nearly out of contract and am exploring new providers to switch to that have better customer service. My colleague, who is with Sky, received her new router the next day.
3 minutes ago
Thanks that's fine. Could I just ask which router you currently have and why you are being sent a new one?
Chris, Community Team
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2 hours ago
I think I have managed to do this but am not sure. Thanks
3 hours ago
Hi Vicky,
Can you please update your community profile to include your:
We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.
Chris, Community Team
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