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Full Fibre and landline phone numbers

Chat Champion
Private Message
Message 11 of 11

I have a City Fibre box outside a property I want Full Fibre.

Comparisons sites do not show Full Fibre for the property. I put a fake postcode and them I click through, On the TalkTalk page it shows Full Fibre. I select and it claims phone service is not available.


When I called Talktalk they claim I cannot keep an existing landline phone number for VOIP. with TalkTalk. They claimed Vodafone cannot either, but they can. Talktalk sales staff do not seem to understand what they sell and what issues are.

Does anyone know?


Full Fibre 150 ->SELECT


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What a pathetic error message. They coders should be sacked.

What went wrong, why is it not specified?

Yet, it wil work on a mobile phone!

Vodafone also use the same City Fibre and they confirmed I can keep the landline number with them.


TalkTalk's pages are confusing and ask about landlines. One does not get landlines with Full Fibre. They port the number and use wih VOIP. Vodafone support this and one plugs phones in the router.


Am I correct that TalkTalk do not port the landline number in the same way as Vodafone and allow use with VOIP?

Very odd that comparison sites show Fibre only and not Full Fibre.
TalkTalk site only shows Full Fibre.

Last year TalkTalk downgraded Fibre to ADSL in error and then claimed they could not provide Fibre after cancelling 5 times. Openreach said it was nonsenseand of course I could go back to Fibre to cabinet. Now broadband did it, so I moved 11 months ago.


Message 1 of 11

To be honest I don't know what the exact reason is but I'm sure this is something that we are working towards and will be an option in the not too distant future, but unfortunately I don't have a time frame for when this will happen



Message 2 of 11



Is there any reason for this? Is this temporary or permanant?

Anyway, I will have to go to Vodafone now as they can port the number.



Message 3 of 11

Hi 1Cherry1,


I'm sorry but what you have been told about porting the number to VoIP, is correct, it is currently not an option, we can only port the number to VoIP when you are already with us. Apologies for any inconvenience



Message 4 of 11

Hi 1Cherry1,


I'll look into this and get back to you


Message 5 of 11

There's been Vodafone from City Fibre outside my own front door for a few years now, @1Cherry1, but not with Talktalk!


I reckon it takes time to set up all the deals behind the scenes. The admin is playing catch up. The infrastructure going in just now is immense, and links between the ISPs complicated by the fact that there are so many operators putting the Fibre in the ground.


Very complicated phase currently. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 6 of 11

I am not a TT customer at this property as they downgraded to ADSL and refused to let me go back to Fibre claiming Open Reach would not. But it was nonsense and Now managed to do it. Time to move and I was looking at TalkTalk.
Comparison sites show only Fibre not full Fibre. A click through only shows Full  Fibre.

I wonder why comaprison sites show Full Fibre is not available and TT confirm it is.

I have to put in a different post code on a comparison site to get a link for cashback. Once on TT I put in the correct postcode.

If TT cannot take over the number, then I have to got to Vodafone as they confirmed they will.

If calls are simply VOIP I wonder why TT cannot take over the number and Vodafone can.

They both use City Fibre and the box is outside the property. There are 5 vans outside for 3 days a week for the last 3 weeks!


Message 7 of 11

I think that is the issue, @1Cherry1.


You are not currently a Talktalk customer. 


If you were still with Talktalk, and ordered  VOIP with the Full Fibre, there would usually not be a problem. 


If they allowed ordinary FTTC Fibre, you could switch back to TT and upgrade to Full Fibre later.


Just because City Fibre laid the cables in the ground, doesn't mean that Talktalk's system can make it available YET.


As always, these things are limited by capacity and what deal has been set up between each provider and the infrastructure company. Use your correct postcode when enquiring, to avoid any confusion in the results.


Switching for Full Fibre is not as straightforward as the old ADSL / FTTC switches.


Staff back on Friday to follow up.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 8 of 11

I am not with TalkTalk. But, yes it is the current number with Now broadband.


Chat Champion
Private Message
Message 9 of 11

Yes, it is.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 10 of 11

Hi 1Cherry1,


We'll be happy to take a look at this for you but can you confirm that the telephone number in your community profile is your current TalkTalk landline telephone number




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