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on 06-05-2024 07:48 PM
Could you connect me to a customer service representative?
on 30-01-2025 02:49 PM
If you start your own thread (new message), we’d love to help.
We’ve found that posting in someone else’s conversation makes it harder to follow when looking for an answer.
It’s easier and quicker if we can chat with you in a single thread, if you start your own thread, that will keep our community organised and help others with a similar problem.
Check your home phone number or account number are also added to your Community Profile as that will really help us to find your details quicker.
Check & Report l Our latest Blog l Set Your Preferences l Service Status l Help with your Service l Community Stars
Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 30-01-2025 02:39 PM
I want to speak with someone
on 07-05-2024 10:02 AM
Hi Boyoraymond
Contact details can be found on our help page How to contact TalkTalk Broadband - TalkTalk Help & Support
on 06-05-2024 08:49 PM
Forum staff were away for the Bank Holiday, @Boyoraymond, but are usually on here during the day, Monday to Friday.
Please elaborate on the issue you need help with.
Support on the forum is online only, through the thread that you have started.
Any notification emails are from a No Reply address, so look for a staff response on here tomorrow.
Also complete your community forum profile details for them to identify your account. Your Talktalk phone number or account number must be put in Personal Information in the Profile Area of the forum. Be sure to save changes.