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Help! Seeking to cancel my Full Fibre Migration. Going around in circles via text..

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 14

Hi there! 👋 


Received an email from TalkTalk on Friday, informing me of their intent to install Full Fibre within a few weeks. I immediately phoned the number supplied on the email to cancel. Not ready to endure the upheaval, currently. (Appreciate this needs to be carried out long before end 2025.)


Yesterday, I received a text message from Openreach saying an appointment has been made to install Full Fibre at my address on 19th October 2023.


I replied "CANCEL" to the initial text message, but they keep sending text messages, adding ever more pressure and not accepting my cancellation.


I called customer services, last night. They confirm the install has been cancelled.


Now, I've great faith in the TalkTalk staff on this community forum. They're exceptional. Have far less faith (bad past experiences) with regular Customer Services.


Two things:


1. Can one of the wonderful staff here check the migration install has indeed been cancelled, please.


2. Can you also check that my Fibre 35 (copper from cabinet to my house) service will continue and not be cancelled? As I've observed folks complaining here, that their fibre over copper service was ceased in error after cancelling/delaying the Full Fibre migration. A guy called Chris within this community ended up without any broadband service for weeks. He wound up having to open a new TalkTalk account/order, after cancelling his Full Fibre migration. Horrific!!! To regain the service he had previously! The internet is awash with this happening to other folks, too. I now have the fear this could happen to me! 


I've been a mostly happy TalkTalk customer for over 10 years. 


Kind Regards,

Worried Customer.




Message 1 of 14

Thank you. 🙏 


Message 2 of 14



I'll answer in your newer thread.



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Message 3 of 14

Hi @Anonymous


My connection seems okay, today. Phew! Appreciate the swift reply.


Can you explain the "new customer" and "optimising your connection" message on My Account, please?! 



Not applicable
Private Message
Message 4 of 14

Good morning,


Can I just confirm, is your connection still dropping since your last post please?






Message 5 of 14

Hello! 👋


Yikes, noticed my internet was briefly disconnecting and reconnecting periodically, throughout yesterday. Seems fine this evening, thus far, thank goodness. 🤞


Though, just signed into My Account to test the broadband connection (Fibre 35), anyway...


(Today is the 19th... The date of the installation, I cancelled above. Coincidence?) 🤔


This is what it says: now apparently a new customer and my line is being 'optimised'. In spite having been with TalkTalk *continuously* for a decade! 



I was promised cancelling the Full Fibre migration would cause no disruption to my existing package/connection. After becoming concerned witnessing other TalkTalk customers having their FTTC contracts cancelled and losing their service/connection, in error, after cancelling the migration.


Please, could a staff member look into this. I know My Account can be wildly inaccurate and riddled with issues, at the best of times. However, this is the first time seeing such on my account. Usually, I can run a connection test, no problem. Now, I can't...


Could it be, my Fibre 35 was due to be cancelled due to the impending forced migration? And, since that was cancelled my Fibre 35 had to be renewed on TalkTalk's systems? Ergo, nothing for me to worry about?


Help (again)! 


Message 6 of 14

Thank you @Gliwmaeden2  I have managed to start   a new topic. Hoping some of the staff members see my post as no one has responded to it yet. Hopefully I can get it sorted out soon. 


Message 7 of 14

@RenAy, to start your own thread, just go back to the message board, scroll to the top and click on start a topic.


Staff reply to the original poster only to avoid confusion. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 8 of 14

Hi Anne,


So sorry I am new here and I don't know how to start my own discussion. I have been sent lots of messages and letters about a free full fibre upgrade but I also feel pressured to accept this. I tried to cancel through the text message but it told me I couldn't. So I rung customer services and spoke to 3 different people and felt forced into agreeing to the 20th October. I don't want a new contract, I am happy with my out of contract  service on fibre65  and can you please check this will still continue , I think it is the same copper from fibre to house,  it does everything we need it to do, and the phone package  is good and all this stress is making me really anxious. Can you please help me sort this? The upgrade is supposed to be on the 20th October but after reading what catwoman wrote about a guy called Chris I am really worried I will be left with no account and no service. I'm really upset can you please help me. Renay

Message 10 of 14

Thank you, @Arne-TalkTalk. Appreciate you taking the time to check.


Message 11 of 14

Hi Catwoman1


The FTTP upgrade orders have been cancelled as requested




Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 14

Thank you. And appreciated, @Arne-TalkTalk. 🙂


I want to make sure my current Fibre 35 service remains and will not be ceased and my account closed, due to cancelling Full Fibre migration. See photo attachment. Which occurred with another customer recently...


Kind Regards.




Support Team
Private Message
Message 13 of 14

Hi Catwoman1


I will ask the provisioning team to confirm the cancellation.  There shouldn't be any effect on the current service.