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on 16-11-2024 09:27 AM
Over the last couple of months we have had regular dropouts (ethernet and wifi before you ask). It became so bad that my wife can no longer rely on her home office (ethernet). In the last couple of days we have suffered dropouts of up to 3 hours.
On Thursday and Friday mornings I had long chat interactions with tech dept. all of which made me start with router resetting, checking internal connections, direct ethernet, in other words nothing seemingly relevant to the symptoms. I should add that TT replaced the router start of October for this and now the problems have returned and worsened.
The chat calls were time consuming and frustrating in that they were frequently interrupted and resumed with a different operator, sometimes starting the same questions. I have lodged a complaint (for which I have a reference number, but not been contacted about, and there is also a tech job no. open when I looked at connection test). I have no information about the progress of this.
I know it is not reliable to add 'hearsay', but other local TT users have reported similar issues in our locality
on 10-12-2024 06:20 AM
Hi Susan,
Please can you create your own topic and we'd be happy to look into this for you.
on 09-12-2024 10:35 PM
If you would like help from the support team here please start your own topic.
on 09-12-2024 10:23 PM
I have had all these problems these past few months it's been an absolute nightmare. All the same questions all the same hours spent on chat when on my day off. I don't have that amount of hours to spare testing this that and the other. I even changed my package as advised. Extra extended router added to bedroom, didn't help. I'm at my wit's end.
on 20-11-2024 12:54 PM
I'm glad to hear this 🙂
on 20-11-2024 12:46 PM
Yes, have talked to a support representative and its been a massive step forward. Thank you so much.
on 20-11-2024 11:59 AM
Hello again,
Can I just confirm, have the team been in contact?
on 20-11-2024 10:32 AM
Thanks again Michelle. It would be great just to talk through the details with someone.
on 20-11-2024 10:20 AM
If you're not available when they call then they will be able to re-schedule a callback for you.
on 20-11-2024 10:06 AM
Hi, many thanks. If it helps i wont have time to try any diagnostics today, but i would be free til late morning tomorrow? Also, would it help if you had the current job no.?
on 20-11-2024 10:01 AM
I've passed this straight over now and I'll post back as soon as I receive an update.
on 20-11-2024 09:42 AM
That would be great if they'll talk to me directly...but i have to tell ui have been in constant contact over website 'tech (?)' chat and finally a less than inspiring 'case manager', who has eventually booked an engineer who cant come til next Wednesday. If you can (and are allowed) to help solve it i would be just as relieved
on 20-11-2024 09:27 AM
Hello again,
Thanks for checking and confirming. I can raise this over to our Fault Escalation Team for the team to contact you directly. Would this be ok?
on 20-11-2024 09:25 AM
Hello Michelle,
Thanks for having a look. Ive had three different ethernet cables plugged between the ONT and the router WAN input, each time checking carefully the connections, and leaving them in situ for some time. Its bizarre, for example last two nights the connection reestablished itself about 2130-2200 hrs and was still in when I went to bed. In the mornings its back to constantly dropping out and trying to reconnect.
on 20-11-2024 09:05 AM
I'm sorry to hear this. I've run a test on the line which has advised - Service is working - problem with ONT connection to router. Check cable is in place and connected to router WAN port. Are all the cables connected securely?
on 19-11-2024 06:03 PM
Hi Chris,
To a certain extent. Briefly(?!), we started having intermittent dropouts during September (hadnt been an issue previous to that, full fibre been working since installation some months previously). As we mentioned recent power surges in our area, TT surmised it might be the problem, and sent an identical replacement router. No major issues until about two weeks ago, when dropouts again became too regular for my wife's home office. Contacted TT chat last thursday and they made me try some in house diagnostics. After that, the broadband connection got worse and in the last few days has been unusable, going off for hours or whole days(down all day today and most of yesterday).
on 19-11-2024 03:23 PM
Did you have the same exactly the same issue with the old router?
Chris, Community Team
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on 18-11-2024 03:00 PM
You could say so. This is the replacement router they sent a month or so back.
on 18-11-2024 01:06 PM
OK thanks, have you tested with a second router?
Chris, Community Team
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on 18-11-2024 08:48 AM
I've just had a look (as it dropped out a couple of times this morning already). When it drops out the router fasts flashes orange, while the ONT green LAN flickers or goes off intermittently. Then after a bit, the router goes to steady slow flashing orange for a while and the green LAN is off. Eventually the router flashes orange/white briefly, green LAN flickers on. Then it all drops out again and repeats
on 18-11-2024 08:02 AM