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Issues with internet for last 2 +years

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 13

Had talk talk at previous property without much noticable issue.

Moved into new property since april 2021 and the below 2 issues, issue 1 has been ongoing since; sometimes better and sometimes worse.


Issue 1. We go through long periods where by the internet simply stops working once or twice a week. Some months its a little better, others worse. 

I have called talk talk multiple times and it always going around in circles. Im at rhe point i no lonfer have the patience or the energy to go through the same really silly questions to then finally reach the more technical questions only for it to loop back to the start. I work in IT so it really tesrs my patience when very silly questions get asked.

This issue started whilst on adsl. When we went fttc full fibre a year ago, the retentions dude 'promised' full fibre fixes it. I requested for full fibre i get a new router, which he verbally said yes. Because i kept 65mb full fibre they wont give the eero router.

We never got the new router and of course we still have the same issue.

(Router is wifi hub DG8041W on 1.05). Disconnects are wifi and ethernet, router flashing.

Restarting router always fixes it.


Issue 2

This happened before as well but not so often. Bit recently its either happening much more or, because we have a newborn baby with a smart baby monitor; it matters ALLOT more. Smart devices (all of them) will disconnect 1 to 2 times a day. Some days more than others. Certain devices like laptopa and phones remaining working; router remains solid white light.

Restarting router again fixes it.


Can i request for a new router? As i really believe the router is at fault. About 1 year ago i did allot of tests  on it and that was my conclusion at rhe time.

Otherwise due to a disconnextinf baby monitor, i will have to leave talk talk as soon as i am able.


Message 1 of 13

Hi nic9394


That's great, thanks for letting us know.


If you do experience any further issues then please post back on this thread.




Message 2 of 13

Thanks yes. 


Plugged in for 2 days and so far so good.


First 24 hours had 3 disconnects but they were all 1 to 4 seconds.


Will wait a little and return the old one likely this weekend

Message 3 of 13

HI nic9394


Have you received the replacement router?


Message 4 of 13

HI nic9394


The router is on its way, please allow 24-48hrs for this to arrive.


Please let us know how you get on.






Message 5 of 13

Thanks Michelle that would be perfect.

I should be able to tell within a week if the issue persists or not

Message 6 of 13

Hi again,


Thank you. This line test is clear. We can send a replacement router for testing purposes to rule this out but this would be a Sagemcom wifi hub as we no longer supply the Huawei wifi hub, would this be ok? We would also send a router returns bag so that one of the routers can be returned.






Message 7 of 13

Added thanks


Message 8 of 13



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Message 9 of 13

Hi Michelle

We have never plugged a landline in since moving in; when on adsl before and full fibre now.


Attached pic. The master and test socket there is from before when it was adsl. 

I dont know if there is a test socket for the full fibre.


Message 10 of 13

Good morning,


I'm sorry to hear this. I've run a test on the line which has detected a potential voice fault. Are you experiencing any issues with the voice service such as noise on the line or no dial tone? Does your main socket have a test socket please?







Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 13

Full fibre to the door. Thanks


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 13

@nic9394, you refer to Full Fibre, above, which is actually Fibre to the Premises, but you called it Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC).


Fibre 65 exists in both forms, so it will help if you can clarify that point.


Staff will reply during the day (Monday to Friday).

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.