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Manipulated into having full fibre installed

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 7

As of 7th January I have had no internet connection. I work from home so it is essential for me. Spent about 8 hours both on the phone and live chat with agents and technical teams at TalkTalk. No real explanation of why this has happened.and was given contradictory information by various agents. Now being told they have to send an engineer on Friday to install full fibre. I had never wanted full fibre and rejected it last year when TalkTalk wanted me to have it installed. I am concerned this is an underhand way of making customers accept full fibre. 

Eileen McLernon

Message 1 of 7

Thanks for updating your profile but could you also add either your TalkTalk home telephone number or account number




Message 2 of 7

Do you think I haven't tried this! I've spent 8 hours on the phone and live chat over the past 2 days trying to have my copper line service reinstated. Each time the technical team tell me there are no faults on my line or equipment but they can't do anything because of the unexpected cease on my account and they transfer me to the orders request team who advise to have service reinstated I need City Fibre to install full fibre. As I have been unable to work since Tuesday morning I needed to have internet reinstated as soon as possible and TalkTalk offered no other solution.. I

have lodged a complaint and complaints

are supposed to call me on Saturday. 

I won't be replying to any other posts because frankly I don't have the energy. I only posted to make others aware of what had happened to me in case it happens to anyone else 

Eileen McLernon

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 7

You said in your OP you were manipulated into taking Full Fibre if you didn't agree to having it installed why didn't you ask them to reconnect your original copper connection.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 7

In response to, why not have full fibre now rather than when it becomes mandatory, I wanted to avoid disruption to my service that might be caused by installing full fibre for as long as possible. I work from home and have never had issues with my broadband connection or speed. I have also heard from neighbours that they feel their speeds are worse with

full fibre. At the end of the day my

service was ceased by TalkTalk without advance warning and whilst I continue

to pay for a service I'm not receiving. I have been unable to work since Tuesday

7th January and was initially told by

TalkTalk they couldn't even install full

fibre until the 5th of February. They have

caused me undue stress and massive

disruption to my ability to work. The only explanation given to me was that an unexpected cease had been placed on my account and this was either a technical error or human error on their part. The customer service has been atrocious.

Eileen McLernon

Support Team
Private Message
Message 5 of 7



Can you please update your community profile to include your:


  • Name
  • Telephone number or Account number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.







Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 7

"had never wanted full fibre and rejected it last year when TalkTalk wanted me to have it installed. I am concerned this is an underhand way of making customers accept full fibre"


Copper is going to be switched off why not get full fibre now than wait until everyone is forced to have it and demand could be higher than supply.