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New Full Fibre Line - only works for about 10 minutes before router needs rebooting

First Timer
Private Message
Message 4 of 4

Hi - I am not sure if this is the right place to post, but last Friday we had a full fibre line installed.  I think I'm the first person on the street to get it and it's part of the Freedom Fibre roll out in our area - the phone number I have to call about it is for the "Future Trials" team at Talk Talk so I guess it's a service that's not seen as fully operational yet?  It has been installed alongside my existing copper circuit for the moment.


Anyway - I was not in when it was installed but according to my step son who was here, it was working on Friday.


What I am finding today upon returning from a weekend away is that the full fibre only works for less than 10 minutes and then I have to reboot the router.


If I reboot the router, it works perfectly for about 8-10 minutes, but then I do not get any response to any requests.  It's the same on wifi and wired.


If I log in to the router interface, it claims that everything is working perfectly and there doesn't appear to be any error lights on the router of the fibre box (although the engineer didn't leave any instructions.


The router has one white light glowing constantly.

The box on the wall has power green, 2.5GEPN Green,

There is a light 2.5GE-ETH2 Green generally but if I try to actually request an internet page, that light flashes a few times (happens both when it's working or not).


I cannot find any telemetry in the router that says there is an issue.


I'm new to Talk Talk so is there anything obvious I should try before calling this in as a fault?


Message 1 of 4



Ok thanks for confirming. It would be worth giving them a call as they are a dedicated team for Freedom Fibre so should be able to look into this for you.





First Timer
Private Message
Message 2 of 4

@Michelle-TalkTalk thanks for your reply.


If you mean to update "my account", unfortunately I can't update that information because Freedom Fibre have installed everything - my only contact directly with Talk Talk has been on the phone and I have not been given an account number.   I have attempted to update my name and mobile number into the forum profile but I am not sure if it actually updated, as said I have not been given a talk talk account number.  My installation is one of the ones which doesn't have a landline # and is provided free for at least 6 months.


I found a hidden page on your website about future fibre which implies that I should have received an email from Talk Talk telling me how to set up my profile but I didn't receive anything so far.


I do have an 0345 number for your "Future Trials" team so I guess I should call that number?




Support Team
Private Message
Message 3 of 4



I'm sorry to hear this. Please can you add your name, account number and the best number to contact you on, to your Community Profile and we can ask the Freedom Fibre Team to contact you directly. Please do not post any personal information on the Community.

