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on 06-01-2025 10:54 PM
I’ve had no problems with my connection for about 10 months. The connection dropped this morning with a red light on my eero router. PON light was flashing. I powered both off for a good few minutes before powering them back on. Still nothing.
I spoke at length to webchat. After trying a different cable and powering down, the chap said that they’d send a new router. I explained that I was not convinced that the router was the problem because a flashing PON is often an authentication failure. He explained that the diagnostics were certain of the problem, and he assured me that a new router would solve the issue.
I work from home, so 3 days without a connection is a nightmare for me.
I have an identical eero as an extender, so I factory reset that and went through the eero app to replace the old gateway with this “new” eero. Going through the process was fine until it tried to connect to the internet – same problem as the other one. While it’s possible that both routers failed with the same error on the same day, it’s unlikely. This suggests that it’s not the router at fault, but occurs somewhere between the ONT and the network, with authentication being a likely candidate.
Some googling suggests a serial number mismatch, which would be weird given the 10 months of normal service. Any tips on getting support to double check the serial number authentication with OpenReach?
on 08-01-2025 12:00 PM
Hi @Michelle-TalkTalk . I’ve not heard anything this morning. I’d be very grateful for anything you can do make this happen.
on 08-01-2025 06:43 AM
I received confirmation that this was passed to a colleague in the Faults Escalation Team yesterday. If you're not contacted by this morning then please let me know and I can chase this for you.
on 07-01-2025 03:08 PM
on 07-01-2025 07:52 AM
I'm sorry to hear this. I've escalated this over to our Faults Escalation Team now and I will let you know as soon as I receive an update back. It's possible that our team may also try and contact you directly.
on 06-01-2025 11:08 PM
If you would like the support team here to look into this for you make sure that your personal details including TalkTalk phone number or account number are complete on your community profile (click here) so that they can link your forum identity with your account and then wait for them to respond.
on 06-01-2025 11:06 PM
Staff will respond during the day, @Clem-Fandango.
Please complete your community forum profile details for them to identify your account. Add your Talktalk phone number or account number by going via your avatar; settings; drop down menu...complete Personal Information. SAVE CHANGES.