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on 21-02-2025 11:10 AM
Hi, I received an email on Monday about free upgrade to Full Fibre. I asked some questions in another post but unfortunately ended up in hospital the day after and have only just been able to get back to sorting this out.
At present we are unable to meet the physical requirements of the full fibre install, this, combined with illness, mean I need to stop the migration. The email gave no way to refuse the migration which is due in Monday 13 March (I did not confirm the Cityfibre appointment).
Please could the staff on here get the migration stopped ASAP (I really don't need any more stress at the moment!), and confirm my landline phone and fibre 65 will continue as normal as I've read on here that many customers have had problems when cancelling the migration.
I do understand we'll have to migrate at some point, but we're not in a place to sort it at the moment......
on 03-03-2025 11:02 AM
Hi Arne,
The letter was sent 5 days after we got the email, so was therefore sent the wrong way round if it related to the same installation - not good communication from TalkTalk.
Anyway, hopefully you're correct and we'll hear no more..........
on 03-03-2025 10:37 AM
The letter was sent at the same time as the email you received, the upgrade was cancelled by Debbie on the 21st.
on 02-03-2025 11:27 AM
Talktalk will probably keep pushing the offers, @Poole6.
I'll re-escalate this thread. Staff are back after the weekend.
on 02-03-2025 09:26 AM
Hi Debbie,
Yesterday we received a letter in the post from TalkTalk dated 21 February telling us of our free upgrade and saying we will receive an email or text in the next few weeks giving an appointment which we can accept or reschedule.... ☹️. I don't know if this is the same installation that was the subject of the email I received on 17 February or a new one.
Please can a note please be put on my account somewhere to say the upgrade is not possible at this time and not to contact us again about it until next year by which time we will hopefully be in a position to look into the changes required to enable full fibre.
Thank you.
on 21-02-2025 12:51 PM
on 21-02-2025 12:48 PM
Thank you very much - that's one thing less for me to worry about! 🙂
on 21-02-2025 12:21 PM
Hi @Poole6
Our provisioning team have advised that they will cancel the upgrade for you. Apologies for the issues you have experienced.
on 21-02-2025 11:50 AM
Hi @Poole6
Thanks for your reply.
I've confirmed the details from your Community Profile and I've asked our provisioning team to cancel the FTTP Upgrade only. I've advised that you want to keep your existing service.
I will post back to confirm once this has been completed.
Thanks again.
on 21-02-2025 11:41 AM
Hi Debbie, many thanks for your quick reply......yes, I am the account holder.
on 21-02-2025 11:16 AM