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Surprise and a problem

Chat Champion
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 28 of 28

Well got an  email today saying the service was active which was a surprise as it is meant o have been Friday this week. Never mind though. So we have now gone from 150 to 950, whoopee...maybe.


Problem I have is the eero 6 pro. Presently I am setup nicely with the issue talk talk router and my wifi bridge connecting to it linking my networks together. Problem is the Eero will not play ball/ It categorically refuses to connect to the wifi bridge, despite what ever I try.


I do not have time to play around too much with it all right now as I trade financial markets during the day and NEED a stable connection. Or in this case simply a connection πŸ™‚


Only thing I can think of is the Eero uses only one wifi identifier and password and my previous setup through the wifi bridge is one for the 2.4ghz and a different identifier for the 5ghz.


Maybe Keith or other knowledgable person can throw some light on this. Despte being on the top range product and being on City Fibre I was told I cannot have the extra Eero routers due to City Fibre contract and not BTOpenworld. I was also very wrongly told that the upload was 112 when infact City Fibre is synchronous. So 950/950 which it is at the router. I just cannot connect to the damned thing. Powerline adapters despite again being very expensive ones, give only a staggering speed of 73 up/down. Ouch.


I am qualified in networking etc but for the life of me this persisher just will not play ball.


Any input greatly appreciated and likewise if I am eligible for the extra routers to enable wifi throughout, could I be advised and have it arranged or it looks like I am going to have to either replace the Eero with something else or buy another Eero to connect all the network, which being a poor old pensioner now, lacking the winter fuel payment πŸ™‚ 


Any input appreciated please. I will play around with it again over the weekend.




Message 21 of 28



Thanks @KeithFrench 


@MerlinBengal  We can send an additional eero, would this be ok?






Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 22 of 28

Hi @MerlinBengal 


It might be worth checking out the levels of WiFi interference & signal strength, when you only have your one eero Pro 6 connected.


Slow speed, intermittent dropouts, breaks in the signal or no signal on some or all devices or no internet access might be caused by Wi-Fi interference from other local networks, which can also lead to a permanent reduction in speed. No ISP can be responsible for your local environment, this is mainly a byproduct of the popularity of Wi-Fi.

However, other factors should be investigated first. When this happens, what is the status displayed in the app for the internet connection? Do you have any wired connections & if so, how do they perform?

Generally speaking, the 2.4GHz band suffers a lot more from interference than the much faster 5GHz band, but the 2.4GHz one can sometimes have a better range, but this all depends on your local area.

In other words, I try to help you optimise your Wi-Fi connection. The next stage involves sending out a guide to you to help you get me some important diagnostic results so that I can analyse them for you and recommend changes to your router configuration to solve them.

I only send this out to people who request it.

Whilst the eero is supposed to manage Wi-Fi interference, if this is very bad, particularly in the 2.4GHz band, then it cannot do anything about it, no router can. The same goes for any router at that point. Other things that may then need to be investigated are its location within your property and the WiFi bands that you use. 

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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Message 23 of 28

Hi MerlinBengal,


Just to confirm, you only have the one eero?





Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 24 of 28

Hi @MerlinBengal 


I would not bother with your TP-Link Archer c80, as that is only WiFi 5, whilst the eero Pro 6 is a Tri-band (2x %GHz & 1 x 2.4GHz) WiFi 6 router. What is the performance like with just the one eero Pro 6?


I have never heard of such a s restriction of only one eero, when the fibre provider is CityFibre, let me confirm that with TalkTalk for you.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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Message 25 of 28

Hi Keith


It is a TP-Link Archer c80 set up for wireless bridge. Works fine with the old router for 150 but that router is restricted on download. It is unable to handle the full fibre speed though this may actually be the Archers wifi restricting that. Not entirely sure how fast the old routers ports are. Never found any details anywhere about that.


The sales adviser specifically told me that I was not eligible for the extra Eero as I was on a City Fibre line. I did question this but her was adamant about it. Obviously if I had that Eero, I would not need the Archer c80 in circuit anymore just a switch would do.


I am using the same wifi and password as the setup for the Eero. However, the Eero only uses one password and wifi identifier but the old router used one for 2.4 and one for 5ghz, which is how the Archer c80 is setup.


I did make a quick attempt as changing the old router to the same identifier for 2.4 and 5ghz but ran in to the trouble of the Archer no longer connecting. Which was a bit of a pain as the fibre router is connected to by wireless and therefore the computers could not access the login page. Whoopee for the Android phone then. Changed it back via the phone and everything reconnected again. So I am thinking this may be the problem with the Archer and the Eero. The Archer is giving 2 wifi channels with same password but different identifier and the Eero is only looking at giving one for all.


I will have a play with it at the weekend but if you or someone else could find out about this second Eero, that would sort all the problems out. I have a second Archer c80 purchased a couple of weeks ago from Amazon for Β£35 on offer, so got it quick. Backup in case this one had any problems at anytime. Very few routers now have the facility of wifi bridge. As I said it all worked great with the old 150 router but the Eero is a very different kettle of fish.


Dave J.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 26 of 28

Hi @MerlinBengal 


What sort of WiFi Bridge is this? How are you trying to connect the gateway eero to it? What happens if you only use the eeros (I assume that you have two eero Pro 6s)? If you have Full Fibre 900, that is an assumption based on the speeds you mention, I thought that entitled you to two of the Pro 6s.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 27 of 28

Well the eero is only designed to work with other eeros, so you may need to rethink your entire setup. It looks like a plea for help to @KeithFrench though, so I have alerted him accordingly!  πŸ™‚

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