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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 28 of 28

I am on my knees praying that somebody can help me. Been with TalkTalk 15 years always had fibre 65 broadband and a copper connection for my phone line. We are home workers so need WiFi and kids need WiFi for their schoolwork. Out of the blue yesterday the broadband did not work. Spent 6 hours yesterday talking to robots in the Philippines who did not have a clue how to help me. Just got passed around different departments and then getting hung up on a few times. Another 3 hours this morning with absolute clueless staff at TalkTalk robots. Finally been told that because my street which was dug up two years ago by City Fibre and the street is now ready for full fibre TalkTalk have now cancelled my fttp broadband and cannot reconnect me because I have a copper connection for my phone. I am at my wits end dealing with TalkTalk and I am locked into a 2 year contract till June 2026. There are no uk call centres that can help me and I just get passed around the Philippines robots who are useless. 

All I want is TalkTalk to reconnect my broadband and put it beck to how it was. Zero communication from TalkTalk warning me they would turn off my fro broadband they just went ahead and did it.  How can we sort this car crash out ? Do I need to call TalkTalk and buy another broadband deal though I am locked in to fibre 65 and copper phone contract till June 2026 or can TalkTalk press a button and just switch it back on ?


The customer service is an absolute disgrace.




Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 28

judealbert15 are you saying Eggpie has made this up?




First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 28

This is not true. l cancelled it and EE informed you


Message 3 of 28

Nothing against the individuals at all they are just robots reading from a job card who cannot grasp the English language properly that is not their fault it solely lies with TalkTalk who are abusing foreign labour to save money on profits. Instead of employing people in a uk based call centre and doing it properly training them up or would that mean 1% less profit margin for TalkTalk. I was continually lied to by staff in the Philippines and constantly hung up on and passed around different departments because the staff do not know what they are doing. An abomination of a company just like the experience of many other TalkTalk customers when you read the awful reviews.


can you imagine any of TalkTalk competitors clients spending 19 hours to call centres over four days. How the ombudsman lets this happen and how TalkTalk stay in business is a miracle. 

the Philippine staff are in a no win situation and are being used by TalkTalk to save money and nothing else at the expense of customer service. Why pay uk staff twelve quid an hour when Philippine robots reading a script can do it for probably £3 quid an hour…….,shameful 


17 years I’ve been aTalkTalk customer…….the stress they have caused our family over these four days is unforgivable. NHS workers who couldn’t go to work for four days and children who can’t log in to do their school work all because untrained foreign TalkTalk staff who are clueless lied to us and left us stranded without WiFi. I had even sent TalkTalk chat help photos on the fault in the ont black box with the lights not working and still we were ignored and lied to. TalkTalk told us they had disconnected our fibre 65 but could give no reason why. What an absolute sh*t show of a company. Try spending 19 hours over four days repeating yourself to Philippine robots telling them the same story and being fed a load of bull because they are clueless and reading off job cards like an ai chat bot then you would see what I mean.


I would wager that the only time you get a uk based person who are very well trained at TalkTalk is when you click the I’m thinking of leaving TalkTalk option. They would not risk you dealing with a Philippine chat bot then would they.


anybody reading this forum and thinking of joining TalkTalk avoid them like the plague. Anybody who’s contract is due to expire get out whilst you can. I cannot describe how terrible the customer service is.


don’t take my word for it just read the internet reviews. 19 hours over four days to the Philippines robots……….hang your heads in shame 


Message 4 of 28

OK, but please don't blame individuals because of where they come from, that seems a wee bit sinister to me. 


Message 5 of 28

Yep spot on lied to by TalkTalk and I’m not winding anything back.


close the uk call centres and employ labour in the Philippines and this is what you get an absolute car crash of customer service who are useless. 

profits put before looking after their customers hence why you can never get a uk team


google talk talk customer reviews and it tells its own story.


me and my wife ate nhs workers from home dealing with saving peoples lives in cancer treatment and thanks to TalkTalk we have not been at work for four days and in this time I spent 19 hours of taking to Philippines staff who were clueless.


Do tou think that’s good enough ? No other company can be as bad as that surely for simple black box failure. Why not do a check in the first instance instead of lying to me 


abhorrent and shocking customer service what’s shutting down they are useless 




Message 6 of 28

So nobody actually cut off your service and it turns out the ONT was broken?


You might want to wind back a bit on the abuse you are giving to people depending on where they are based, they can only go on the information they have available. 

Message 7 of 28



so 19 hours over 4 days spent on the phone to the most useless set of people you can ever meet based in the Philippines. Clueless robots who are out of their depth and no help at all. How TalkTalk stay in business with support staff like that is a miracle.




so last Friday no WiFi countless minutes spent on the phone being bounced around the Philippines with people and departments who are clueless. Got told several times by TalkTalk staff we have cancelled your fibre 65. I kept telling them time and time again the city fibre black ont box two lights have gone out there is your problem. Yes they said because we have stopped your fibre 65 ? Why I said when I am locked into a two year contract. The reply was nobody knows why but we have. You have to wait 30 days and order a new connection. Finally got through to fibre 65 technical team this afternoon and I demanded a test on the city fibre side it took a few attempts and they finally agreed. Hey presto ont city fibre box showing a fault. Engineer booked immediately and by some miracle they were working already on the street next to us. The engineer walked round on his lunch break as it was in his pda pad to do. Three minute job is all it took by him to come out of his van and fit a new black ont box on my wall. He then closed the job down with city fibre and TalkTalk and we now have perfect working WiFi. The ont black box was broken.

So four days and 19 hours spent on the phone and being lied to by clueless idiots telling me TalkTalk had cancelled my fibre 65 and dealing with a set of unprofessional clueless robots reading off job cards and also being passed around departments like a ball in a washing machine all for a three minute repair. What an absolute disgrace of a company TalkTalk is. The minute my contract is ready in June 2026 I will be counting the seconds till I can get away from the worst company I have ever dealt with. Being lied to and being told TalkTalk have cancelled my fibre 65 was just untrue. Why don’t TalkTalk open up call centres instead of cutting costs and giving to sweat shops in the Philippines who are utterly useless. Profits before customer care that’s why.


lets see if my compensation gets paid for loss of service.


hang your heads in shame TalkTalk what’s disaster of a company you are.


read the google and trust pilot reviews about TalkTalk and their customer service. Avoid these useless muppets like the plague. 19 hours of my life over the last four days stressed up to the eyeballs talking to delinquents who do not have a clue and being lied to is a disgrace. What a waste of my time.


abhorrent and disgusting customer service 




Message 8 of 28

HI Eggpie


Sorry that this has happened I will try to find out what has happened, I suspect this is a network fault which has sent disconnection to city fibre,  honestly I don't think this is a quick fix. 


Im really really sorry.

Message 9 of 28

@Eggpie, there is a queue, and staff are catching up from the weekend. 


However, please wait.


Your posts are repeating the same information but getting you no further forward as the automatic workflow thinks it is a new thread.


Leave it alone and it will reach staff.


If you have the microfilter, yes, the grey lead goes into the broadband slot on the hub, same shape as the slot on the microfilter. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 10 of 28

Morning do I call TalkTalk and risk getting through to the Philippine call centres nightmare who will be of no help at all as usual or do I wait for a member of the uk team reading this post on the forum to step in and help ? Had to tell work for a third day running we cannot work from home today as we have no WiFi. This is an emergency can somebody come please advise urgently thank you 


Message 11 of 28

Are you using a DSL cable to connect? Have a look at the help article here:



Message 12 of 28

Tried that and no joy ! 


if the uk TalkTalk staff are back in tomorrow I am praying they read this thread.


nhs homeworkers who can’t log on to work plus two children who can’t log on do their schoolwork and since Friday we have had no hot water or central heating again this needs WiFi. 14 hours of phone calls and chatbot since Friday and still nothing no help at all from TalkTalk and still no explanation why they have switched off my fibre with no warning at all. What a disgrace how can you treat clients of over 15 years like this. They have dropped a bomb into our lives and we are stranded without WiFi and just on a merry go round of Philippines deportments and robots who do absolutely nothing to help and are clueless.




Message 13 of 28

Ok so I’ve got one of them so I plug one end into the by master socket and where does the orher end go into the talk talk router ? Is it the grey broadband port ? 



Message 14 of 28

If you have a master socket with a separate socket for broadband then connect the DSL cable there from the broadband socket on the router, usually grey. If you have a single phone socket then you will need a plugin microfilter to connect your phone and router cable using that. 


Message 15 of 28

You'll need a microfilter, as the little plug bit of the router cable is a different shape from the phone bit that goes into the master socket, @Eggpie.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 16 of 28

Thank you Ferguson it needs uk based staff to sort this car crash out. 

how do I connect the router to the bt master socket to get WiFi  ? 


Message 17 of 28

The support team here on the community are based in the UK and they will pick this up as soon as you can tomorrow. If, however, your FTTC service is still live can you connect to that in the meantime, via the master phone socket?

Message 18 of 28

9am this morning till 13.20 this afternoon 11 agents and on a merry go round of departments still no help or no common sense from the Philippine robots.


TalkTalk admitted they have turned off my fibre 65 on Friday without warning but nobody cdn tell me why or how this happened. So according to them I need to wait 30 days cancel everything and sign up as a new account. I cannot believe how bad TalkTalk is this a disgrace we cannot wait 30 days without WiFi. Totally useless just get passed around robots and back to the same department to tell them the same story over again and the  nightmare starts again. We have children in a house with no hot water or central heating and we are homeworkers who cannot get WiFi to log on all because use of TalkTalk god knows why out of the blue turning off our fibre 65 on Friday even though we are locked inti a contract till June 2026. Nobody within talk talk can help us. Five hours Friday 6 hours yesterday and four hours today explaining to robots in the Philippines what TalkTalk have done to us and nobody can help at all. 

IS THERE ANYBODY IN HERE BASED IN THE UK WHO WORKS FOR TALKTALK READING THIS WHO CAN HELP ?? My wife is in tears and we are desperate for help. No uk call centre is a disgrace. How do I get out of this nightmare and WiFi working for our family again ?




Message 19 of 28

A chat agent has just told me this even though I am locked into the fibre 65 contract till June 2026 


Alright! After carefully reviewing here on your account John, I can see that your FTTC Fibre 65 which is under copper line is active. However, your FTTP Fire 65 Data Only is disconnected. The FTTP service has been ceased, I'll need to Loyalrty Team in order to get service reinstated if you still require the service.


Message 20 of 28

Already been on to the chat help this morning with their agents  and two hours later after communicating with 7 different agents not one of them can help me or had a clue to how to sort this mess out. How can a company like TalkTalk survive with support staff who cannot help me. 9 hours over the last two days and two hours and counting this morning just to get me reconnected. It’s an absolute disgrace. This is what happens when you close down uk call centres and give the work to robots in the Philippines who are clueless. NHS homeworkers and children doing exams who cannot do a thing without WiFi. Also our hot water and heating is controlled by WiFi. TalkTalk are an absolute disgrace their customer service is abhorrent. Get the uk call degrees back opened with staff who know what they are doing.