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on ‎30-01-2023 07:24 PM
I have FTTP from TalkTalk business, I'm looking to move back to TalkTalk residential, but when I search for packages it only quotes me for VDSL, if I change my address to my nabours on either side it quotes me for all FTTP packages. Why is this? Also has the Digital Voice rolled out nationwide?
on ‎19-02-2023 06:11 PM
You aren't the first person to report TT pulling that trick.
on ‎17-02-2023 05:15 PM
So at a few minutes before 5pm the phone rang, I answered it within one ring as it was right next to me, instantly cut off, it was the TT help and support number, does that count as a call back. 🤬
on ‎17-02-2023 03:01 PM
Further developments today, TT Business appear to be blocking the porting of my number, and blocking change of my FTTP. Nearly 2hrs of phone calls today on top of online chat, and nowhere, supposedly TTB have now raised a ticket and will get back to me, what's the odds?
Best residential can offer is a new number with FTTC, then swapping to FTTP, as I wish to keep old number for those ex customers who might need to contact me despite being retired, it's a nightmare.
on ‎02-02-2023 09:36 PM
Well here we are four days later, started this thread on monday after I was told to expect a call back "within a couple of hours", I suspected it wouldn't happen as it's 'a difficult one', and in my experience nobody wants to pick up on one of those.
Another strange thing, I decided to check what TTB would offer me at my house if I was moving in as a new customer, used another browser so there where no cookies, they can offer me FTTC and FTTP, so quite why TT residential only offer me FTTC I don't know.
on ‎31-01-2023 09:37 PM
I believe the TalkTalk residential must be taking info from TTB, and not from the wholesale checker, quite why I don't understand.
My relationship with TTB has 'evolved' over the two year contract, too long to explain here, but when I've asked some direct questions about my contract on the phone the people I've spoken to have become quite evasive, even to the point of outright refusing to answer or ignoring some questions about my contract!
As for TTB Digital Voice, last time I asked them (IIRC last November) they hadn't got this sorted yet. I presume this meant for small business like mine was which only required a simple service, I would hope they have some sort of VoIP for larger business. Going forward, as I've pretty much retired now I only need a fairly basic VoIP service to monitor my 'old' number, and am perfectly fine with using a 3rd party, just need to know what is available so I can plan it out.
on ‎31-01-2023 08:50 PM
OK, that's all very clear.
Your home does have an active FTTP service but also an active phone line. i.e. it's a hybrid service of Data Only full fibre and a conventional voice service delivered over MPF or the metallic line to the exchange. You clearly know exactly what's connected. It's an expensive option for TTB as they're paying for two services so I'm surprised that TTB haven't migrated you to Digital Voice alongside your FTTP broadband package. My guess is they think because you have an MPF connection that, as I did, you're also taking broadband via MPF i.e. VDSL FTTC.
TalkTalk Digital Voice hasn't been announced as having a national footprint but Consumer customers have trialled the service and Digital Voice availablity is expanding.
Now, why the TalkTalk Consumer broadband checker isn't indicating an FTTP service availability is a mystery. Does it perhaps reflect what the TTB records think you have?
Gondola Community Star 2017-2024
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on ‎31-01-2023 08:28 PM
It looks like a TT database error, I have copper and FTTP from TTB, they keep sending me offers of upgrading to FTTP, one time I decided to phone them to see what was going on, chaos ensued. From problems I had earlier in my contract with them I conclude they don't really know what I have, or at least they don't know how to handle my contract as it might have been set up in a non standard way. As an example, about 6 months into my contract the copper line was 'cut', when I contacted them they denied I had ever had a copper phone line with them, only FTTP internet, when I pointed out I had months of downloaded bills showing hundreds of phone calls it was reconnected, but they would not tell me what went wrong.
The checker shows FTTP, and BT are happy to accept me the install process is 'KC12 Assure' as ONT is in place.
on ‎31-01-2023 07:34 PM
Hi Colin59
To see what the BT survey says about your home address select the BT Wholesale Address Checker enter your post code, submit and then select the address and select. That should give you the definitive answer on Openreach availablity of FTTP.
You indicated you were on an FTTP service but then it was stated that TTB had put you on MPF which is Metallic Path Facility or the delivery of broadband over all metallic or part fibre to the cabinet and part metallic line to the home, i.e. normal VDSL FTTC fibre to the cabinet service.
Gondola Community Star 2017-2024
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on ‎31-01-2023 07:19 PM
Before reading your reply I had already phoned 'sales', they where unable to help as the product TTB have put me on (MFP?) means they are unable to offer FTTP and they couldn't tell me if Digital Voice was available in my area. It has now been 'escalated', a phone call was to be made to me 'shortly' (I was told within minutes), here I am 9 hours later and no phone call. My experience of difficult questions is that you never get a call back even after repeated promises, last time the only way I found of resolving a problem was to contact the CEO's office, I'll give it a day or so before I go down this route.
‎31-01-2023 08:38 AM - edited ‎01-02-2023 10:51 AM
Hi Colin59
Best option would be to call the loyalty team on 03451720088 They will be able to see what options are available, Voip is available.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused