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Wifi router not connecting to Internet after being disconnected from power.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 9

Even time the power goes off in my house the WiFi take progressively longer to come back on. If the router is unplugged it usually takes 3-5 hours which is extremely annoying. This time after being away on holiday for a week, the power to the router was switched off and we got back last night and turned the power back on. It's now been close to 9 hours and it still hasn't re connected. I've tried all the common fixes, done a factory reset and nothing seems to work. It just flashes orange and seems to go in a cycle of flashing quickly to flashing slowly. I work from home and really needed this to come back on by the morning. I'm not going to have to hot-spot from my phone which is really annoying. This doesn't seem right and it seems to be getting worse everytime the power to the router is switched off, any suggestions?


Message 1 of 9



Our teams have replied to my email already advising they will pick this up now and take a look.  If an engineer is required, they will contact you directly.




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Message 2 of 9

Okay thanks, any idea of a time frame? I work remotely full time so the sooner the better.


Message 3 of 9



One of the line tests is failing.  i've asked our teams here to take a look at this and see if an engineer is required.



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Message 4 of 9

Hi @Karl-TalkTalk 


Power comes on solid green, LOS seems to flash red a couple of times and then goes off, PON stays solid green and LAN comes on intermittently and correlates to the speed of the orange flash on the router. This has been almost 12 hours now. 


Message 5 of 9



When turning off the router, did you also turn off the ONT ?


When powering back on, did all lights show on the ONT ?



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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 6 of 9

I would agree with you, @Bopbop123.


Mine is left off for holiday breaks etc - if we have nothing depending on it while we are away, why not save on costly electricity?


It should take little more than 5 minutes to get going again  - nothing like the 3 hours + that you've been putting up with. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 7 of 9

Hi @Divsec 


Firstly that's just not helpful at all. 


Secondly this has happened in the past following a power cut or when the power has had to go off when and electrician has come to the house to do work. Each of these times it's taken 3 hours + to come back on, which is quite frankly annoying as hell, and not normal!


It's not uncommon for people to turn all switches off when going away for a week, this is something I've done for years and years and is only now a problem.




Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 9

Hi @Bopbop123 first suggestion is the obvious one, never disconnect your router. Sorry if this sounds trite but there is plenty evidence to suggest that the exchange interprets power down as a disconnection and attempts to adjust the line connectivity accordingly.


That said your post has been escalated and you should hear soon.  In the meantime please check your community profile and add your landline number and/or account number so your account can be identified. Please don't post personal information here.



I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.