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eero boxes and poor coverage upstairs

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 23

Hello, I went live with full fibre early New Year 2024 and am really pleased with it. I initially had 1 eero but due to poor connectivity I was sent another eero. This one improved things a lot and coverage is now good and initially I was going to leave it as it was. But upstairs the coverage always hasn't been the same fast speed. I have left it to see if things improved but they have not. Upstairs is where my office is located with my PC and signal yesterday was appalling, PC kept stopping and starting.  Sometime I would get the full Wi-Fi rainbow other times I only had 1 rainbow. In fact when I did a speed test the results were only double figures. The speed in my bedroom, also upstairs is not much better. So I have decided that I am not getting value for money and full fibre has much more to give and have decided to see if I if it's possible for me to have another eero box on my system to improve the signal upstairs.



PS I've only just found you and I do like these pages.

Paul Harrison
Not really an expert in anything except forgetting, and I'm brilliant at that!

Message 21 of 23

Hi Chris, no not at present but it can be in 30 mins or so. BTW I tried my PC yesterday and it was ok. The problem earlier was that my pc was running very slow and when I checked on my eero app, I found that the stops and starts coincided with the swaps between my two eero boxes. My bedrooms upstairs aren’t great either but I don’t any have any pc or anything in those rooms.


thank you.


Paul Harrison
Not really an expert in anything except forgetting, and I'm brilliant at that!

Support Team
Private Message
Message 22 of 23

Hi Retired-2,


Glad to hear that you're please with you service. Is the PC in your office currently switched on? 
