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5 hours ago
Posting on behalf of my elderly mother. In Dec 24, we raised the account cap from £19. Mum is not getting out and about so uses the phone to keep in touch, and support the fall call system that is fitted.
All was going okay, until end of Jan 25 when mum went over the cap by £1.81. I paid the bill by credit card.
Now at the end of Feb, the cap has dropped to £19 again. The bill was paid on Friday 21st Feb as requested onthe paper bill. On Saturday, outgoing calls blocked because over the £19 cap. So currently I have paid by Credit card (just)...we have paid the bill on time....and again this morning to try and remove the block....if not removed my mum is vulnerable to a fall because the alert system will not work because it cannot call out. All this when my mum is registered as a elderly vulnerable customer! Talktalk what are you playing at?