Get help with your TalkTalk landline and calling features.
on 23-09-2024 06:18 PM
Hi all newbie can I just have my phone for incoming calls and if I do would it make my bills cheaper as my latest bill was £38 most of calls were to my doctor to be honest we still have a lot that still phone on land line my normal bill is £27 any way to get it cheap please just help as when I phone talktalk. my bill go up as I get told one thing but end up paying more thank you all
on 01-10-2024 01:20 PM
Have you been in touch with our Loyalty Team directly to see if they can offer any deals for you?
on 24-09-2024 01:17 PM
Thank you no we don't have any boost on as they started to charg a lot we don't even do call divert thank you
on 24-09-2024 11:12 AM
HI Dapar
There is an option to stop outgoing calls, but if you need to call a doctor then it might not be the best way, you can add the calls boost, it can be added for half price (£8) at this time.
on 23-09-2024 06:43 PM
Are you currently paying for a Calls Boost which includes outgoing calls for a fixed price? If so, you can cancel that and save yourself some money. Any calls that you make would then be individually chargeable, but you won't pay anything if you don't make any. Incoming calls are not chargeable.