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Phone calls crashing out....

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 84 of 84

Today both my phone connection and Internet are dreadful. 


Trying to make important calls to sort out muddles made by utility companies.


The line appears to be fine for a few minutes and then crashes - I literally asked the E.on Next lady if she had dropped her phone. 


We tried on the smartphone and the call suddenly lost wifi calling and crashed too. It simply stopped.


I called back on the landline and got a bit further, but the call collapsed into the equivalent of "snowflakes" on an old telly, i.e. crackle, crackle, crackle. 


It recovered enough to finish what we were trying to do. 


I've been out and about dealing with other jobs and have come back to my router repeatedly losing the Internet connection. 


I can't fall back on Three....


The internet keeps disconnecting. Is something happening with the firmware? Check for repeated loss of connection this morning, please. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 61 of 84



I've checked again and I'm still showing the increased speeds.


I would suggest leaving at least 5 minute gaps between running speed tests.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 62 of 84



I'll check the phone later - haven't had a chance to make any calls but will monitor things in the course of the week.


Current wifi speed download 15.2.


One reading for upload 0.91. Then one at 0.88.


The upoad speed is actually creeping down with each test so I might need to keep an eye on it still. Third test 0.83.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 63 of 84

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


Oh great 🙂


Just a line optimisation, so DLM was reset and it increased the speed.

Message 64 of 84

Wow, @Debbie-TalkTalk.


I spotted the test.


Ran Ookla and it's suddenly so much better!


What did you do to correct it?


Looks great!

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 65 of 84

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


Is the line clear when making calls?


The line test is clear - No faults detected.


I have optimised the connection and the line is now in sync at 17.9mb and the upload sync speed has increased to just over 1mb.


Message 66 of 84

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


I'm just running some line tests now, I wont be long.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 67 of 84

@Debbie-TalkTalk, I'm going to have to give a lesson online this evening. 


Could my line be checked this morning? I am worried about that low upload speed for Skype working properly. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 68 of 84

I've been back here since Saturday evening, @Debbie-TalkTalk.


The download speed is struggling to touch on what had been more usual prior to this incident and the upload speeds are frankly worse than they were during the incident.


At only 0.3Mbps I will have problems on Skype  / Zoom / simply uploading to Facebook. 



 Please test the line again. 



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 69 of 84

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


It's no problem 🙂


Hope you have a lovely holiday 🙂

Message 70 of 84

Fingers crossed it stays that way.


The internet is not great where I'm staying at the moment so I'll still have crucial jobs to catch up on when I get back. 


Thanks for keeping an eye on it for me. 😊

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 71 of 84

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


Openreach have closed the fault as resolved - Fault was located at local cabinet.


The line tests are now all clear too.


Message 72 of 84

@Debbie-TalkTalk, did you receive any updates?


I got this:



Of course, I can't check whether it's working satisfactorily while on holiday, but you should be able to check the phone line at least.


Any explanation as to what caused the fault?

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 73 of 84

I do hope so. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 74 of 84

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


The fault has been assigned to a line engineer this morning.


Openreach have not said they need access to the property so they will likely complete work on the line externally.


I will check on this again later this afternoon for additional updates.


Message 75 of 84

No improvement all day, @Debbie-TalkTalk.


I'm to be away for half term and don't want to leave the router mindlessly powering up only to drop - it's doing it every few minutes in the daytime. 


A mystery as to why it seemed OK first thing  for c 2 x 1/2 hours in the morning, before 9am. Openreach vans have been parked a couple of streets away recently  - are they tinkering and causing problems for other customers?


Not in the right direction for a direct line to the exchange.....


Anyway there's no point me paying for expensive units of electricity while I get no use from it for a week while I'm away.


The landline will of course still be plugged in if they need to test that.


I never leave the router switched on when on holiday. If they need access, it will have to wait till my return.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 76 of 84

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


This will be related to the fault detected on the line.


Openreach will be working to fix this. As soon as they update the fault ticket then I will let you know.





Message 77 of 84

I got a spell of decent connection for c half an hour at a time listening to radio 4 on Sounds, @Debbie-TalkTalk, but should normally be able to leave it burbling in the background nonstop.


After 9, the dropouts became increasingly frequent again and when there is a speed reading to be got at all, it's very erratic:


Notice that it's sometimes connected enough to show a signal, but too slow to get a speed reading on Ookla:



Or to even find Talktalk:



This, despite pretending to have some sort of connection showing top right on my screen. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 78 of 84

Hi @Gliwmaeden2 


This fault is still with the Openreach line engineers, there are no additional updates at the moment.


I will continue to monitor this.



Message 79 of 84

Awful evening. 


Thank goodness my television doesn't depend on the Internet. 


Whoever they sent to the exchange yesterday lunchtime didn't get much done:



I can't even attempt to compile a shopping list without losing the connection after a couple of items.


When it is actually functioning, it's far slower than normal and some web pages don't load in time.



It's also causing the display to scramble, so my name shows here instead of my avatar:



And at times the old phone is fine, while the posh one is showing "connected without Internet". Despite looking like an  OK connection the old phone can't easily load the websites, so it's all rather random. 


Bizarre.....somewhat of a meltdown. 


You'll need to chase this up with Openreach! I don't think I have ever had it quite so utterly dreadful. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 80 of 84

@Debbie-TalkTalk, it's been more off than on all afternoon too.



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.
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