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on 05-02-2024 06:42 PM
Yes I have this same problem.
Purchased a 512GB USB stick. Formatted it to NTFS then inserted it in to the 4K TV slot and the box stated it had recognised the stick and did i want to initialise it. Selected the button and it seemed to start. After a minute or two I got a message stating the USB could not be initialised.
So I tried again and formatted the stick inserted into the 4K TV box USB slot. Same thing occurred.
I then tried to get help via the Chat Help Bot.
Round in circles until I got an agent. Then after 30 mins I was told it was not in their area but in Community Fibre who could do diagnostics.
What they could be to solve this problem by some diagnostics I just do not know. I was happy with the previous DM372 box . The only real problem was getting ITVx.
Is there a solution. Do you have to purchase a specific USB stick?
on 20-06-2024 01:03 AM
on 19-06-2024 11:17 PM
I have formatted USBs to NTFS and ExFAT and the box simply says "USB not recognised"
Does TalkTalk have a way of supporting their customers - why not sell us USB sticks that work. I have spent so much time trying to make this work.
on 14-02-2024 10:58 AM
Did try both format types and neither worked.
The USB that didn't work.
512GB USB stick that didn't work
on 13-02-2024 01:22 PM
In which case worth trying exFAT, although no longer relevant in this case it seems.
on 13-02-2024 11:38 AM
My Windows only allows NTFS and exFAT
on 13-02-2024 11:37 AM
So the 512GB I had tried didn't work.
So I purchased a 128GB SanDisk Ultra for £12 from Amazon.
Arrived and I open and inserted it directly into the 4K TV Box.
Initialised with no problem. Surprise!
Looks like that size would record at least 100 hours of TV.
I think that there should be some way to ensure that the USB Sticks being used meet a specific standard as not all sticks are the same in delivering the correct results!
So I recommend SanDisk to overcome this unexpected problem for those just about to get a new 4K TV Box.
Now if there was a way to organise the menu at the top of the page as the recordings icon is almost the last item on the left so there is a bit of scrolling to get to it..
on 06-02-2024 06:12 AM
Some larger sticks can have issued so I would stick with a 256gb USB Stick from a reputable make, Sandisk etc.
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on 05-02-2024 06:54 PM
If the stick is from a reputable maker then it should work. Try formatting in Fat32.