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NOW Sports Boost issue

Chat Champion
Private Message
Message 15 of 15

TL:DR When does the 14 days NOW activation window start? 


I had an email a couple of months ago offering a NOW Sport subscription that was available to me.


I read the small print and noticed the offer was available until 9th September, so I waited until the last day to sign up for it (I had a good offer directly with NOW that expired 23rd August). I cancelled NOW a day earlier. I received my TalkTalk confirmation email on 12th, with 7 days to activate it directly and a further 7 days after that to use chat to activate it.


It was not until after I cancelled NOW and got their cancellation message that I realised my mistake - whereas all TalkTalk boosts end as soon as they are cancelled, NOW allows the month to finish before stopping the service.


That means I can't start the TalkTalk offer until the 24th of this month, which is a Sunday, 15 days after I signed up, but only 12 days after the activation email. 


The small print says that as an existing TalkTalk customer I would receive the activation email immediately, but it was 3 days later when it arrived. This means I might not be able to use the chat option on Sunday 24th to get the NOW boost activated because it's not within the 14 day window which potentially started on the day I signed up for the offer, 15 days prior although it's only 12 days from the activation email.


The offer was the best I've seen, a 12 month contract which beats the 6 months offers I have previously been offered but I don't want to lose it because of my error.





Message 1 of 15

You're Welcome 🙂





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Message 2 of 15

Hi Karl

It is working for me now. 

I was expecting a similar email to the one I got the first time but instead I received an email on Saturday morning about 9.15 to say my boost was activated.

I tried SkyF1 and it worked, just in time to see the rerun of the Grand Prix qualifying, so I’m happy.


Thanks for your support while it was resolved. 


Message 3 of 15



I'm showing the Sports Boost active from the 23rd, is this working for you now ?




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Message 4 of 15

My account is still showing an 'inactive add-on' for the TV service, and I can't select the NOW option that appears when I click the link, and I haven't received the activation email.


As it's Friday afternoon I'm not  too hopeful that it (the email) will arrive over the weekend, so I rang customer service.


Apparently the order has been cancelled!


So the process has to start again. I have no idea what the CS agent did an Wednesday, it turned out to be a completely pointless webchat.



Message 5 of 15

No Problem 🙂



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Message 6 of 15

I've just had a webchat and I'm now waiting for an email. The agent referred to sending me a code, I was expecting an activation link to NOW as in the previous email. The agent said they had added the relevant notes to my account.


Anyway,  I'm hoping it will be resolved by Saturday morning, I don't want to have to wait for Channel4 to show highlights of the F1!


I'll wait until I've got my NOW Sport up and running, then I'll report back and mark the thread as resolved


Thanks for your help Karl


Message 7 of 15



You will need to call ion or contact our customer teams via chat as I've just checked and the NOW TV option is showing as cancelled, so will need to be re-added to your account.




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Message 8 of 15

I believe the issue could be that the original email link had passed the 7 day time limit. The paragraph in the 'how to' on the TalkTalk NOW webpage says - 


'If  your activation link has expired after seven days you'll need to contact us. This is available up to 14 days after placing your order. After this time you'll need to place a new order for your NOW membership.'


I have another 7 days (6 now, I think) to deal with it. I think I may not have been as clear as I should have been - it says 'contact us' and that's what I was wanting to do - contact you after the 7 days but before the 14 days ends (Friday, I think). You refer to 'our customer teams' in your earlier message - do I need to contact them via a webchat? 


Message 9 of 15



This cannot be activated manually, it is something that has to be done via NOW.


I would try again, or try another browser to be sure, try and sign in first to your Now account in the browser, then try the activation link from the email.



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Message 10 of 15

I've just had a chat with NOW and explained the situation, and the CS Agent was able to cancel my membership immediately.


I then tried the email activation button again and got an 'Oops something went wrong' page.


Do I need to start a chat or is the activation something you can do for me?


Message 11 of 15

I did apply the offer as soon as I received the email. That's when I found out that the NOW subscription continues to run to the billing date.


I will see what NOW can do for me and report back.


Thanks for your help 


Message 12 of 15



Have you tried to apply the offer to your existing Now account to see what happens ?


Also you could contact Now via there chat to request they end the subscription immediately instead of waiting until the end of the billing period.



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Chat Champion
Private Message
Message 13 of 15

The offer was not available in My Account, that's what concerns me. The TalkTalk terms are clear that it is 14 days from activation, but the activation email was 3 days late in arriving.


My other option would be to join NOW as a new customer (simply by using another email address) but I don't know what the implications of doing that are - I only ever watch sport (mainly F1) on NOW.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 14 of 15



The 14 day window usually starts from when the option is added to your account. This remains on your account in an inactive state and then will cease after 14 days if not activated. After this, our customer teams would need to add the option again if available, or you can check within My Account online to see what options and offers are available.



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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.

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